Sunday, 27 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/01
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Central Media Office

Authorities in Kyrgyzstan Arrest Five Dawah Carriers

On the 27 of January, the official media in Kyrgyzstan issued news with the headline: "Arrest of Members of the Extremist Group Hizb ut Tahrir in the region of Tchewskaya". The police and security media reported, "On the 25 of January, the members of the Tenth Division at the Department of Homeland Security have arrested members of the extremist group Hizb ut Tahrir in a house in a residential area…

Kerry Refused to Apologize for the American Crimes in Afghanistan He Slapped the ‘Tough' Karzai on his Face that is Already Used to Humiliation

After the U.S. administration of the occupation of Afghanistan defined the terms of the security treaty with Afghanistan - that provides a legal cover to legitimize the acts of murder and piracy committed by American soldiers, including raids on the Afghans' homes- American agent Karzai (whose name has become synonymous with agent activity and betrayal) tried begging for a fig leaf to cover his vice.

The Bloodthirsty Karimov Regime's Thirst is Not Quenched of the Blood of Muslims!

The year 2013 was full of grief and sorrow for the Muslims in Uzbekistan, due to the many martyrs who passed away in the prisons of Karimov, the criminal Jew. Most of the martyrs were Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir, who were arrested in the period between 1999 and 2000. The mercenaries of Karimov and his thugs tortured these Shabab...

A New Martyr in the Struggle between Truth and Falsehood in Uzbekistan!

A martyr was elevated to the mercy of Allah Almighty and we do not commend anyone over Allah, member of Hizb ut Tahrir Rozyev Farhad from the Uchtepa District in the province of Tashkent at the age of 42 years. Farhad (Rahimahullah) was as an example of sincerity and purity, and exemplary in his fear and taqwa of Allah Almighty.

A New Martyr of the "Word of Truth" at the Hands of the Criminal Uzbek Regime!

He (Rahimahullah) was sentenced to five years in prison for the first time on 06/12/2000 CE by the Court of the Yangiyo'l Directorate in the province of Tashkent and in accordance with Article 159 Part III of the Criminal Code of the Uzbek Constitution. What he (Rahimahullah) saw - with his own eyes and witnessed personally the cruelty of the prison and its wardens - increased his conviction of the…

Fabrication of a Criminal Case against Ildar Aldinov, Carrier of the Hizb's Letter to the Rulers of Russia!

The message carried to the Kremlin by brother Ildar contained the hostile policies pursued by the system of the Russian Federation against Muslims, from preventing the Khimar (headscarf) in educational institutions, the prohibition of Islamic books, including the Holy Qur'an, the killing of Muslims and the attacks on Muslim women by the police.

Those who Stall the Da'wah Carriers in Uzbekistan Insist on Irrigating the Tree of Islam from their Blood!

A martyr was elevated to his Lord, Bidhnillah, at the age of 35, a native from the city of Tashkent: Brother Samar ad-Din Siraj ad-Dinovic, who was working within the ranks of Hizb ut Tahrir to eradicate the Karimov regime, the tyrant of Uzbekistan, and for the establishment of the second rightly guided Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of Prophethood.

Tyrant of Kazakhstan Jails a Muslim Woman for Five Years for her Claim to Rule by the Shari'ah of Allah!

The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir has issued a press release dated 08/22/2013 entitled "Government of Kazakhstan Accuses a Muslim Woman of Extremism and then Punishes her for Defending her Husband" in which it addressed the trial against Sister Natalia Vatinkovu, a mother of three children, and wife to Galiulina Rafis, a member of Hizb ut Tahrir / Kazakhstan.
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