Thursday, 09 Shawwal 1445 | 2024/04/18
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Question and Answer Public Ownership

Assalaamu Alaikum our honourable Sheikh, I would like to ask you a question regarding public ownership.  Can a private ownership transfer to a public ownership in accordance to the Shariah rules, like transferring water springs from a private ownership into public property if that is needed for the public good?

FB Question Answer: Bio-Entery Therapy

As-Salamu Alaikum, I am a student studying nursing at Hebron University, our lecturer, who teaches us, has started taking courses in the field of energy therapy and wants to study it in her Masters. But a colleague of ours has researched the subject and said that it is forbidden in Islam, but the lecturer asked him for the conclusive proof of the prohibition in Islam, because she wants to complete…

Ameer's Q & A: Exchange and Conversion of Currency

My question is: Is it allowed to exchange a currency with another without cashing in anything from it, and it transfers to another place? For example: I want to buy 1000 Dinars from the Exchanger having agreed on everything, and I have paid him as agreed on the spot and informed him to send the money to a specific location without cashing in the 1000 Dinars. Is this allowed or…
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