Thursday, 26 Muharram 1446 | 2024/08/01
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Women under Capitalism: Freedom and Empowerment or Obscene and Degrading Exploitation?

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That is: in this world, there is no peace for him, nor is his heart expanded, rather his chest is tight and constricted due to his misguidance, even if he appeared to be blessed, and he wears what he wants, eats what he wants, and resides where he wants, as his heart has not reached to certainty and guidance, he is in anxiety, confusion and doubt, continuously in suspicion and…

The Women’s Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Launch an International Campaign: The Khilafah: Ensuring Women’s Dignity, Security & Shariah Rights

The month of Rajab marks the tragic anniversary of the loss of the Khilafah (Caliphate) more than 100 years ago in the Hijri calendar. This leading state ruled by Islam had always stood as a guard over the dignity, security and Shariah rights of women in the Muslim lands and beyond. Following the fall of the Khilafah, the lives of women in the region and Muslim women across the world...

The Rohingyas Flee from Fire to Fire; Only the Khilafah State Will Save Them from It and Restores Their Rights

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported a devastating fire at a COVID-19 treatment center in Cox's Bazar camp in Bangladesh, which houses refugees fleeing from Myanmar, on Sunday afternoon, 9/1/2022. The UN agency said, in a tweet on Twitter, that no one was injured as a result of the fire that broke out, but noted that the fire affected thousands of Rohingya refugees...

Muslim Women in India Offered for Sale by Hindu Extremists as Part of the Continuing Persecution of Muslims in the Country

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In recent weeks, there has been outrage expressed at an app created by Hindu extremists in India that put more than a hundred Muslim women “on sale” in a fake “auction”. The app, called “Bulli Bai”, a derogatory term used by many right-wing Hindus to describe Muslim women, sourced the photos of Muslim women and uploaded them in a lewd context and offered them “for sale”.

Women are Humiliated and Tortured in Jewish Prisons… Is There a Mu’tasim in the Ummah?!

The Palestinian Prisoners Club confirmed that the Damon Prison administration carried out successive torture operations against the female prisoners, which lasted for days and are still ongoing. They were severely beaten, dragged, and some of them were injured. Representatives of the female prisoners, Shorouk Dwaikat, Marah Bakir, and the prisoner Mona Qaadan were isolated.

China and the USA: A Complex Relationship

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The United States Congress recently approved a $777.7bn defense budget, a five percent increase from last year. This move came after they pulled the last American troops out of Afghanistan and was justified as a way of dealing with the intensifying competition with China. (Al Jazeera) The budget approval had bipartisan support and supports the USA’s current stance that China poses a significant threat to its global supremacy.

Beating on a Wall, Hoping to Transform it into a Door

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"The OIC extraordinary session on Afghanistan is a prime example of our collective determination and action to help those most in need. We thank Pakistan for hosting this vital meeting and inviting the global community to continue cooperating to support the Afghan people," US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said.
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