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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Headline News 23/12/2017


• Pence on Visit to Afghanistan blames Pakistan

• America continues to play with fire over North Korea

• US Ambassador to UN Attacks World over Criticising America over al-Quds Decision


Pence on Visit to Afghanistan blames Pakistan

US Vice President Mike Pence has attacked Pakistan during a secretly arranged visit to Afghanistan for not doing enough to support the American occupation there, as reported in the Dawn:

United States (US) Vice President Mike Pence during a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Friday issued a warning to Pakistan that it has allegedly provided safe haven to terrorists for too long but those days are over now, as President Donald Trump has now "put Pakistan on notice."

This is so far the harshest US warning to Pakistan since the beginning of the Afghan war more than 16 years ago and follows several recent statements, indicating US indignation with Islamabad.

The US vice president made the remarks as he addressed US troops at the Bagram airfield, becoming the most senior Trump administration official to visit the men and women fighting America's longest-ever war.

Pence's remarks earned wild applause from the 15,000 US troops who were excited to see the vice president among them on a surprise Christmas visit.

"For too long has Pakistan provided safe haven to the Taliban and many terrorist organisations, but those days are over," Pence told the troops.

He reiterated word for word President Donald Trump's warning that Pakistan must stop offering cross-border safe havens to Taliban factions and armed militant groups fighting US troops and their Afghan allies.

"President Trump has put Pakistan on notice. As the President said, so I say now: Pakistan has much to gain from partnering with the United States, and Pakistan has much to lose by continuing to harbor criminals and terrorists," the US VP added.

The reality is that Pakistan, particularly under the Musharraf regime, is the reason that America was able to enter Afghanistan in the first place. Pakistan has carried out each and every American instruction given to it but despite this America is itself losing its brutal war in Afghanistan, as the jihad there continues to strengthen against the American operation. America’s weakness in Afghanistan is evidenced from the secret nature of Pence’s visit; according to CNN:

After 16 years of war, the vice president of the United States still has to sneak onto the largest US military base in Afghanistan.

It was 7:16 p.m. local time when Vice President Mike Pence landed here on Thursday. But the unmistakable blue and white Boeing 757 streaked with the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" that typically announces Pence's arrival was nowhere to be found.

Instead, a windowless, dark gray C-17 military transport plane inconspicuously taxied down the runway before coming to a stop and allowing its precious cargo to step off and become the highest-ranking Trump administration official to visit an active US combat zone. For the next six hours, the dozen journalists traveling with Pence -- including this reporter -- were required to keep his visit secret, until he was prepared to fly back to Washington.

America continues to play with fire over North Korea

Instead of trying to bring calm to North Korea, America continues to incite it, by now moving a resolution in the United Nations Security Council for sanctions in response to ballistic missile tests. Furthermore, according to The Telegraph:

America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme, The Telegraph understands.

The White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working, well-placed sources said.

One option is destroying a launch site before it is used by the regime for a new missile test. Stockpiles of weapons could also be targeted.

The hope is that military force would show Kim Jong-un that America is “serious” about stopping further nuclear development and trigger negotiations.

It is American recklessness that is responsible for North Korea’s aggressive posturing in the first place, which America has deliberately sought to achieve in order that North Korea should become an excuse for American militarisation on the Chinese (and Russian) border.

America uses politics and diplomacy to incite conflicts and bring instability to the world. The Messenger of Islam (saw) taught us a very different approach, using politics and diplomacy to cool conflicts and avoid wars. The world was far more stable when Muslims and Islam dominated world affairs. At this time, the West should be even more concerned about global stability because of the weapons of mass destruction that they have created; however they behave as if they would love to deploy them against their enemies, no matter what the scale of destruction and loss of human life.

US Ambassador to UN Attacks World over Criticising America over al-Quds Decision

In the aftermath of a UN General Assembly vote condemning America’s decision to move its embassy to al-Quds, the US ambassador has given a stunning performance explaining America’s expectations. According to

By a vote of 128-9, the General Assembly voted, on Thursday, in favor of a non-binding resolution condemning the United States for its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Before the vote came down, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley issued a stern warning to those in favor of the resolution.

“We will remember it when we are called upon once again to make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations,” Haley said. “And we will remember when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit.”
Friday on Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough absolutely blasted Haley’s tactics.

“I saw Nikki Haley yesterday actually threatening like a mob boss,” Scarborough said. “Threatening member states of the United Nations. ‘You either be with us on this non-binding resolution, or else we will always remember. And we may yank humanitarian aid out of the mouths of the most truly disadvantaged on the planet.'”

Calling her comments “petulant,” Scarborough threw to the clip of Haley making her pointed statement to the General Assembly. He reacted with disgust.

“This vote will be remembered,” Scarborough said, scoffing. “This non-binding vote that means absolutely nothing will be remembered. And we may take food out of the mouths of starving babes across the planet and not provide humanitarian aid because of this non-binding resolution.”

American arrogance has no limits. What is worse is that Haley adopted this language really for American domestic political consumption, as Trump’s vote base is in fact highly motivated by such talk. Meanwhile, in foreign policy, America is pursuing a larger plan, in which it actually requires its agent Muslim rulers to take a public view opposing America. The above article continues to explain this:

Worse than Haley’s threats, though, according to Scarborough, were the private whispers from the White House that those threats were empty.

“They’re day traders,” Scarborough said of the White House. “In this case, Nikki Haley wasn’t even an even a day trader. She was trading by the minute. Later in the afternoon, the White House privately admitted they weren’t going to yank aid and they weren’t going to punish people. And so there was a softening of it which, of course, you know what that does. That just makes us look even weaker by nightfall.”

America is a vindictive and imperialist power that does not deserve to be the world’s superpower. With Allah’s permission, the world shall soon see again the unification of Muslims lands under a single state that will bring peace and justice to the entire world.

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