Monday, 03 Ramadan 1446 | 2025/03/03
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Pakistan Headlines 17/06/14

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Karachi Airport Attack is a Consequence of Giving Free Hand to the Likes of Joel Cox Eugene

The Muslims grieved and counted their dead after the evil attack upon Karachi Airport that began on the night of 8 June 2014. Anger has risen at the regime's failure to secure the life and property of Muslims yet again. And with good reason for the regime has not only failed to provide security, it has actively played a role in establishing the threat to security.

Consider that this attack is exactly a month to the day when, under immense pressure from the Raheel-Nawaz regime, a court on 8 May granted bail to a US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) employee, Joel Cox Eugene. This American was arrested for trying to board a domestic civilian flight from the same Karachi airport, headed to the capital on his way to the US embassy in Islamabad, with fifteen 9 mm bullets and a knife in his luggage! Moreover, Joel Cox Eugene is just the tip of the iceberg. From the time of the Musharraf-Aziz regime until now, traitors in the leadership have opened Pakistan to American intelligence and private military. These spies and assassins freely roam all over Pakistan, including its most sensitive areas, plotting and planning. The Muslims remember well how the infamous Raymond Davis was caught with weapons, sophisticated surveillance material, as well as photographs and maps of public places. Such intelligence gathering is critical in the planning of CIA black operations against civilian and military targets to create pressure upon the armed forces to fight America's war in the tribal areas.

With the permission of the regime, America's FBI and CIA have offices and dens operating extensively until today. These American agencies are well known throughout the world for their malicious role in creating chaos. Their routine work includes assassinations, blasts, grooming agents, destabilizing the governments and spreading fear and insecurity. Modern world history is littered with their heinous crimes. As well as working independently, these American spies use local agencies that established strong ties with military organizations, at the time of the Jihad against the previous occupation of Afghanistan, by Soviet Russia. And even though the solution is to remove this American cancer from our body, the regime tries instead to misdirect the common man that the military operations against America's enemies in the tribal areas are a must for peace.

Thus the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan is similar to the one in Iraq, where America employed identical tactics. Before America invaded Iraq, there were no attacks on Imambargahs or mosques, yet, immediately after the invasion, conflicts were instigated between Muslims and attacks on security institutions began with unabated ferocity. The occupying forces were the direct beneficiaries of the chaos and became more deeply entrenched there. And the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan saw a similar surge in instability, since America's invasion of this region.

The bloodshed and insecurity is a pressing motivation for the Muslims to re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" in Pakistan, which will expel the US presence from our region, both within our borders and outside of our borders.

Health Care is a Right for the People and not a Business

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday 5 June approved the National Health Insurance Scheme. The Prime Minister laid the basis for further privatization of Pakistan's health care, by saying that, "the scheme will also enhance public-private partnership in Pakistan and will open up further avenues for investment". However, this scheme will worsen Pakistan's health care, which is already dominated by the private sector that has made health care a business not a right.

Consider that medical insurance worsened health care in the land of the masters of the Raheel-Nawaz regime, America, whose health service is dominated by the private sector. In the US, Democracy has converted patients into customers and health into a luxury. Democracy has privatized health care and drug research to benefit a small elite, who now profiteer from the misery of millions. Medical insurance was then instituted to help make medical payments. However, insurance has added to the problem, as it has allowed the drug companies and health providers to raise their prices. Insurance claims are complicated and insurance is often denied in expensive cases. So despite insurance, medical debt is now cited as the single biggest factor in 62% of all personal bankruptcy in the United States. Fifty million Americans do not have health insurance, as they cannot even afford that. Approximately 18,000 of this fifty million die every year because they cannot afford health insurance, so cannot afford treatment. This is whilst a small elite represented by medical facility providers, drug companies and health insurance companies profiteer immensely from the misery of millions, through privatization of health, drug patency laws and insurance laws, all secured by Democracy.

And Pakistan will not fare any better. Currently, the private sector accounts for approximately 80% of all outpatient visits in Pakistan. Domination by the private sector has converted health care from a service into a business and health care into a luxury, not a right. Increasing costs of private doctor's fees, medicines and diagnostic tests have made affordable treatment difficult for most people in Pakistan. Quality has suffered as quality addition is based on business profitability rather than health care requirements. So in Pakistan there is widespread, preventable life-threatening disease, inadequate patient health education, poor unaudited treatment protocols that are not based on medical evidence, lack of an integrated health system with primary, secondary and tertiary facilities, poor local clinical training and the absence of strong, original medical research strongly linked to local disease and health requirements.

Such pitiful private sector dominated health care is a far cry from the time of the Khilafah "Caliphate", where the state supported a strong predominately public health sector, in accordance with the commands of RasulAllah (saw), for example during the Ghazwah Khandaq he came across wounded soldiers and he ordered a tent be assembled to provide medical care. Public hospitals, or "Bimiristan" (Abode of the Sick) were a great relief for the people. They served all people regardless of their race, religion, citizenship, or gender. The al-Mansuri Hospital, established in Cairo in 1283, had accommodation for 8,000 patients. There were two nursing attendants for each patient, who did everything for his/her comfort and convenience and every patient had his/her own bed, bedding and vessel for eating. This hospital treated in-patients and out-patients giving them free food and medicine. There were mobile dispensaries and clinics for the proper medical care of the disabled and those living in the remote areas. This was possible because the Khilafah "Caliphate" is a state that cares for its citizens and upon its return, soon inshaaAllah, it will be a beacon of relief for the sick and needy.

Time to Install a Sincere Leadership Ruling by Islam to End Hypocrisy and Treachery

Pakistan's Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) Gen Rashad Mahmood begins a week-long visit to the United States on Monday 16 June. Gen Mahmood will visit the headquarters of the US Central Command in Tampa, Florida, where talks are expected to focus on the current situation in the Pak-Afghan region. The Centcom oversees all US military operations in the area. The visit coincides with a stepped-up military campaign against the hardy North Waziristan resistance to the American occupiers. It is this resistance which has paid a key role in preventing the Americans in settling in their occupation for almost thirteen years. It is this resistance which the Americans have demanded for years to be crushed but was a red-line for the armed forces of Pakistan, due to the historical and critical role of the tribals of North Waziristan in defending the Muslims of the region from foreign occupiers. And it is this resistance that was maligned by means of a horrendous attack on Karachi Airport of 8 and 9 June, a false flag attack organized by the American intelligence, to apply pressure on our armed forces to fight on America's behalf. Rather than co-operating with the resistance to rid us of the foreign occupation, as happened during the Soviet Occupation, traitors in our leadership are openly collaborating with the kuffar enemies to secure their occupation as much as is possible.

RasulAllah (saw) said: «فُسْطَاطِ إِيمَانٍ لَا نِفَاقَ فِيهِ وَفُسْطَاطِ نِفَاقٍ لَا إِيمَانَ فِيهِ» "The camp of Iman that is free from hypocrisy, and the camp of hypocrisy that is free from Iman". Today, the Muslims are in between two camps regarding their leadership. On the one hand there are the traitors in the leadership who ignore the Islamic injunctions. Thus they make alliance with the enemies. They burn the armed forces as a fuel in the American crusade. They ensure that Muslim blood is spilled in a terrible war of Fitna between the armed forces and tribal Muslims. And on the other hand there are the sincere in the armed forces and the advocates for the Khilafah "Caliphate" within the Ummah. They are the ones who have made clear to the Ummah regarding their commitments to implement Islam and raise the Muslims as one force against the enemies.

Regarding the Ummah, it is clear that it supports the sincere and aware leadership and the evident in the prominent discussions amongst the people throughout Pakistan, in favor of Islam, Shariah and the Khilafah "Caliphate". In such a situation it is the people of Nussrah, our armed forces who are capable of practically choosing the right camp as a leadership for the Ummah. And until they perform their duty, the Muslims will continue to count their dead and face humiliation and threat at the hands of the enemy. For there is no salvation for the Muslims in this world and the Hereafter, except for the full commitment to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (saw) without departing at all for them. Al-Hakim directed in Al-Mustadrik by the two Saheeh from Ibn Abbaas that the Messenger of Allah (saw) addressed the people in the Farewell Pilgrimage, he said: «...يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنِّي قَدْ تَرَكْتُ فِيكُمْ مَا إِنِ اعْتَصَمْتُمْ بِهِ فَلَنْ تَضِلُّوا أَبَدًا كِتَابَ اللَّهِ وَسُنَّةَ نَبِيِّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ» "O people I have left among you two things, if you hold fast to them you would never go astray, the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet (saw)."


Cut Pakistan Free from the Lead Balloon of Alliance with America

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday 13 June, "Obviously, Pakistan is very, very key now, has been for 70 years... Now with the transition in Afghanistan, with the new government in India, with certain challenges that we're both facing in terms of counter-terrorism."

Pakistan is key to America's hopes in the region. However, the statement of Kerry underlines the fatal mistake of successive regimes in Pakistan throughout the decades of its existence. They took upon themselves to align with a superpower in their foreign policy whilst claiming to the people that it is the only way to achieve strength in the regional and international arena. This path is a sure way to be weakened and never fulfill a state's true potential. The superpower is not a charity and will be dominant in the relationship in seeking to fulfill its own interests, not caring for compromising the interests of the weaker partner in the relationship. Tying one's state to a superpower to swim in the ocean of politics, is like tying one's leg to a lead balloon and claiming that drowning is a form of swimming.

That is why that throughout the history of Pakistan's alliance with America, Pakistan has always lost. It was betrayed in wars with the Hindu State and was cut in half in 1971 with the loss of what is now known as Bangladesh. In the time of the clash between America and Soviet Russia, Pakistan was used as means to secure the collapse of Soviet Russia, bearing many losses only so that America could emerge as the world's sole superpower. Today, its armed forces are used as a fuel in the American crusade. America ensures that Muslim blood is spilled in a terrible war of Fitna between the armed forces and tribal Muslims. Economically, despite its huge resources, America has leveraged exploitation of Pakistan's resources and prevented it from freeing itself from the debt trap. And now America seeks to gain India to its sphere of influence, it is presenting Pakistan's strategic position and economic strengths as a bait to be presented before India. Rather than using such strengths for itself, Pakistan is to avail them to India so that America can benefit from an alliance with India.

It is high time that Pakistan is cut free from the lead balloon of alliance with America so that it can fulfill its true potential. Yes, Pakistan is pivotal to maintaining influence within South and Central Asia. Pakistan is a capable state, with strategic importance both within Central Asia and South Asia. It is the gateway for both regions to the Middle East via Iran and the Arabian Sea. It has the seventh largest armed forces in the world and the largest armed forces in the Muslim World, possessing nuclear weapons and motivated by their love for Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw). It has a population of 180 million which will approach 200 million soon, inshaaAllah. It has wide and varied responses, energy, mineral and agriculture. And its people love Islam deeply, have sacrificed for it throughout their history under Islam and are ready today for sacrifice. Indeed, Pakistan can be the starting point for the Khilafah "Caliphate" and if not, one of the first states that will unify with it.


Operations in North Waziristan is Crossing Yet Another Red Line

Since 15 June 2014, the Raheel-Nawaz regime has started substantial military operations in North Waziristan in order to secure American interests in Afghanistan and in the region. Thus, through its agents in Pakistan, America seeks to trap Pakistan military, the seventh largest in the world, comprised of hundreds of thousands of soldiers desiring victory or martyrdom, in a war of Fitna in Waziristan. It is a military operation falsely called the "Zarb e Azab" the name given to the sword of RasulAllah (saw) to deceive the Muslims by exploiting their Islamic sentiments. So, now instead of America counting its dead in its failing efforts to secure its occupation of Afghanistan, the Muslims are now to count their dead. Moreover, our soldiers, the successors of the Ansar (ra) who gave the Nussrah for the establishment of Islam, are now to be diverted from uprooting the agent rulers and establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" in their place to securing America's fragile occupation. And those tribal Muslims who were previously fighting the crusaders, bruising their ribs and striking fear within their hands, are now facing Muslim soldiers, weakening the Nussrah and strength of the Muslims.

So, were it not for the Raheel-Nawaz regime, America would have had no means to stay in Afghanistan as it wishes, faced with a fierce Muslim resistance that has prevented it from settling for over thirteen years. But thanks to traitors in Pakistan's leadership, the North Waziristan operations will now complement America's surge in Afghanistan, effectively surrounding the Muslim resistance. Moreover, Muslims will suffer further losses for the sake of America's security, just as they suffered during the operations in Swat. Muslims will be displaced from their homes, the country will be plunged into insecurity and the largest Muslim army, with hundreds of thousands of God-fearing men willing for martyrdom, will be reduced to a mercenary force to defend the cowardly American military forces from certain humiliation in Afghanistan. And Muslims on both sides will kill Muslims yet again to advance the aims of the Kuffar, earning the anger of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) said,

((وَمَنْ يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِنًا مُتَعَمِّدًا فَجَزَاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَابًا عَظِيمًا)) "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his Recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allâh are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for Him." [Surah An-Nisa 4:93].

To avert this calamity the Muslims must grant the Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir, whose Shebaab stand firm against the tyrants, fearing none but Allah (swt) whilst pursuing the Fard of the establishment of Khilafah "Caliphate". Only then will we fall under the command of a sincere Khaleefah who will demand that all American intelligence and military leave the region, backing his words with force and deeds, a call which will rally the sincere from amongst the mujahideen, as well as earning the good will of the entire Ummah and the blessings of Allah. Allah (swt) said,

((رَبِّ انصُرْنِي عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْمُفْسِدِينَ)) "My Lord! Give me victory over the people who are corrupt." [Surah Al-Ankaboot 29:30]

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