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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan:

At a time when the Muslims of Pakistan turn to Islam as a way of life, and in order to raise awareness about the Khilafah (Caliphate) system, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Pakistan launched a massive campaign on social networking sites entitled:

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan:

 It is time for Khilafah!
Oh Allah, prepare our shield for us, the rightly guided Caliphate on the method of Prophethood ... Oh Allah, Ameen

Friday, 20 Rabii' al-Awwal 1442 AH corresponding to 06 November 2020 CE

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Content to the Introduction to the Systems of Islam
Ruling System
Foreign Policy
Education Policy
Economic System
Khilafah’s History
Islamic Revival
Ruling System



The Islamic Ruling system is neither Federal nor Presidential

In Pakistan’s federal system, the federal capital and the provinces are always competing for power. Whether it is the Eighteenth Amendment or NFC award distribution, provincial and federal governments try to minimize their responsibility, whilst seeking maximum benefits. This reality politically destabilizes and weakens Pakistan. In the Islamic Khilafah state, the Khaleefah himself appoints all provincial governors and is directly responsible for their performance, which effectively ensures a single authority over all provinces. These governors are accountable to the Khaleefah and the representatives of Ummah in the Council (Majlis) of the Ummah, whereas the Khaleefah and the governors (wula’a) are all equally bound to follow the Shariah laws implemented in the state.



The Delegated Assistants of the Khaleefah in the Khilafah State are unlike Democratic Ministers

There is no concept of federal cabinet in the Khilafah. The departments of agriculture, health and education are headed by experts, who are appointed by the Khaleefah. The Khaleefah appoints for himself one or more delegated assistants, who are not specific to any department, instead they provide general assistance to the Khaleefah in all matters of ruling. The Messenger of Allah (saw) appointed Abu Bakr (ra) and Umer (ra) in Madinah as his delegated assistants. Then Abu Bakr (ra) appointed Umer (ra) and Umer (ra) appointed Usman (ra) and Ali (ra) as his delegated assistants.

Women can be Members of the Council (Majlis) of the Ummah in the Khilafah State

Amongst the seven mandatory conditions put forth by the Quran and Sunnah for a ruler, one of them is that the ruler must be a male. Messenger of Allah (saw) said, لَنْ يُفْلِحَ قَوْمٌ وَلَّوْا أَمْرَهُمْ امْرَأَةً “A nation can never be successful which appoints a female as their ruler.” (Bukhari). Therefore, a woman can acquire any position in any department, but not in ruling. She can be a judge or give advice to Khaleefah as a member of the Council of the Ummah and account rulers, because the Council of the Ummah does not undertake legislation or ruling in the Islamic State.


A Fasiq Person cannot be the Ruler of Muslims

Islam did not leave the qualifying conditions of the ruler to human judgment, leaving the door open for changing laws for political gains. Instead, the seven conditions are determined by Islamic texts. One of them is that the ruler must be a just (‘aadil) person. Therefore, it is mandatory for the Khaleefah, his delegated assistants, governors of provinces and city mayors to follow Islam appropriately. A Fasiq person, who is known not to give importance to the Shariaand does not abide by it, cannot be a ruler.


Slaves of Foreign Powers are not Worthy of Ruling Muslims

Among the mandatory conditions of ruling in Islam is that the ruler must be a free man and not a slave. A slave of some-else cannot be ruler upon the people. Therefore, in the Khilafah, a ruler who is so greatly influenced by someone else that he cannot decide according to his own opinions must be removed, if there is no hope of changing such a state of affairs. Today, the current rulers of Muslims, that are blind followers of Western powers, without any will or authority of their own, are not worthy of ruling us.


The Ruler of an Islamic State must be Capable

It is from among the mandatory conditions of ruling in the Khilafah State that the ruler must be capable (qadir) to look after the affairs of the people, based on the Quran and the Sunnah. So, a pious person who is unaware of the political issues of the public, is not worthy of ruling Muslims. Similarly, a politician, who is unaware of Islam’s economic, social and ruling systems and domestic and foreign policies, is not worthy of ruling over Muslims.


Democracy and Dictatorship – Obedience to Global Colonialism

Khilafah – Permanent Eradication of the Rule of Kufr



Democracy - A Weak Leadership which Serves the West.

Khilafah - A Strong Leadership which Serves Allah (swt).




Islam has Forbidden Spying on Muslims by the State

Allah (saw) said, وَلا تَجَسَّسُوا“And do not spy” [Surah Hoojarat 49:12]. In the Islamic Khilafah state, the police can only spy on those citizens who are in frequent contact with belligerent non-Muslim officials, after the permission of the judiciary. Belligerent non-Muslims are those who are actively or potentially at war with Muslims. However, nowadays, wiretapping and spying on our own people by the current governments in the Muslim World, is common. Although it is obligatory for them to spy on belligerent non-Muslims, instead, these rulers conduct secret meetings with these non-Muslim enemies of Muslims. These governments have a wide spread spying network because they are afraid of their own people. This is because these secular governments, with their Western dictated capitalist laws and policies, are not accepted by the Islamic Ummah, which is trying to uproot them, in a struggle that is gaining pace, day by day.


Non-Muslim Citizens of the Khilafah State

The Khilafah State guarantees basis necessities, as well as health, education and security, to its non-Muslim citizens just like Muslim citizens. Unlike Muslims, non-Muslim citizens are not responsible for Jihad. Non-Muslim citizens can be appointed in senior positions of the various administrative departments, though Islam has forbidden ruling positions for non-Muslims. Therefore, they cannot acquire the position of the Khaleefah, his delegated assistants, governors of provinces or mayors of cities. This is because Allah (swt) said in the Quran, وَلَن يّجْعَلَ ٱللَّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلاً“And Allah (swt) will never give Kuffar any way (authority) over Muslims” (Surah An-Nisa’a 4: 141)



Jizya is a Just Tax

The Islamic State provides equal opportunity to justice, education, security, health and employment to its non-Muslim citizens. Jizya is the tax which is levied only upon the capable, male non-Muslims. It is not levied upon the non-Muslim women, children and insane. It is far superior to the oppressive, capitalistic, secular taxation, such as GST and petroleum levy, which are implemented by the government of Pakistan upon Muslims and non-Muslims alike, be they rich or poor, man or a woman. The revenues are then put in the pockets of foreign, interest-devouring financial institutions, whist the Muslims and non-Muslims remain deprived of basic facilities of health, education and security.




There are Three Types of Judges in Islam

The first type of judge is the one who judges upon personal disputes between people like murder, hudood, divorce and similar. The second is the Mohtasib Judge, of public matters, who safeguards public rights like hoarding, adultery of merchandise and similar. The third is the judge of unjust acts who disposes of pleas against the state rulers and state officials, whether against the Khaleefah or his governor or any other administration department. All of these judges have full authority in judging according to the Shariah rulings in their domain. Their decision is decisive and cannot be overruled by any other judge, or even the Khaleefah. Therefore, justice is served to the people in a timely manner and they are not forced to move from pillar to post, court to court, in the elusive pursuit of justice.


The Mohtasib Judge

The institution the Mohtasib Judge is an important institution for serving speedy justice, protecting public rights. The Mohtasib Judge, along with his assistant judges, ensures that traders and shopkeepers are selling to the scale, without any sort of cheating in markets, so that the society can be secured from its loss. Therefore the court of the Hisba, comprising of the Mohtasib Judge, is a mobile court, always active in delivering speedy justice to people in the matters of daily business.


Foreign Policy

Ambassadors of Foreign Powers

In the current democratic era, the ambassadors of foreign powers bring forth a long list of instructions and orders for our rulers. On the contrary, during the time of the Khilafah, the ambassadors of foreign powers would either bring tributes and gifts, to improve relations with Muslim rulers, or they would come with the fear that the Muslim armed forces may wage offensive jihad and overthrow their insignificant governments.



Kashmir and Palestine Can Be Liberated

Seventy years have been passed in the vain hope that Kashmir and Palestine can be liberated through the United Nations. Democratic and dictatorial governments have been consoling us with this, to this very day, but to no avail. In the past, Salahuddin Ayubi, one of the governors (wula’a) of the Abbasid Caliphate, used his army to wage Jihad and liberate al-Masjid al-Aqsa in just a few years. Today, who among the people of power would rise up to the occasion, granting Nussrah to establish the Khilafah, so as to be fortunate enough to obtain the honor of liberating Kashmir and Palestine for himself?



United Nations - Slavery under the Hindu State and the Jewish Entity at the behest of the US

Khilafah - Independence of Kashmir and Palestine through Mobilization of Islamic Armies


Khilafah and Jihad

When Jihad was tied to Islamic ruling, the non-Muslim enemies were afraid of Muslims, but when the Khilafah was abolished, ruling and Jihad were separated. The Khilafah was replaced by nation states which withdrew from Jihad and outsourced it to various groups and parties. As a result, Muslims were not able to liberate any occupied land. Then these jihadist organizations were also choked to death. It is required today to tie Jihad with ruling, through re-establishing the Khilafah, so that Muslims can end the era of shame and subjugation.


Occupied Kashmir

The area known today as Azad (Liberated) Kashmir was liberated neither by making speeches in United Nations, nor through resolutions, nor through standing under the blazing sun for half hour, nor through releasing songs, nor through making noise on international forums, nor through showcasing weapons in parades and airshows. Just as Azad Kashmir was liberated through armed force, similarly Occupied Kashmir will only be liberated by the organized Jihad of the armed forces.


Allah (swt) has made Jihad an obligation (fard) on Muslims

Allah (swt) has made Jihad an obligation (fard) on Muslims and the Islamic State Khilafah undertakes this duty in an efficient manner. The Khilafah is in the state of Jihad, or in the state of preparing for Jihad. However, both scenarios drive the development of an industrial defense ecosystem in the Islamic society. This ecosystem will spawn a heavy machinery industry, indigenous supply chains, research and development in most disciplines, excellence in educational institutions, excellence in software and all associated technologies. Since this is for indigenous development, the foundations of an indigenous demand-based economy will be laid down.


Education Policy



Establishing Education on the Basis of Islam and Creativity

If establishing the education system on the basis of Islam were a hurdle to creativity, then why is it that when Islam was implemented in every aspect of life, including education, in the Islamic Khilafah State, great scholars and experts such as al-Khwarizmi, al-Zahrawi, ibn Nafees and Ibn al-Haytham arose. Unlike Christianity, there is no clash of Islam with science and technology. Islam obliges that individual worship as well as the ruling, economic, and social systems should be based solely on the Qur'an and Sunnah, whilst human reason should be used to discover the mysteries of the universe and make scientific inventions.  So the Islamic state is a strong state in every way.


Experimental Sciences

The basis for experimental sciences such as physics, chemistry and medicine is the human intellect, whilst the basis for determining what is right and wrong for human beings, and for the various systems of life, is divine revelation. Thus, Islam differentiates between the experimental sciences and the cultural sciences that are related to life. Just as it is wrong to make religious books the basis for experimental sciences, it is wrong to make intellect the basis for determining the governmental, economic and social laws and values. Therefore, the education of Islamic disciplines as well as of scientific disciplines is required in educational institutes, so that the right foundation may be made available for every sphere of life.


Acquiring Technology

Contrary to the encouragement received by the Muslim scientists from the Khilafah State, contemporary Christian governments severely punished their scientists for studying and progressing in science. The Khilafah State had established great educational institutions from Cairo to Baghdad because Muslims believe that the acquisition of religious knowledge is necessary for the formation of a new Islamic personality, whilst the state cannot fulfill the mission of the Prophet (saw) without the acquisition of technology. Allah (swt) said,

﴿ هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَىٰ وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ

“It is Allah Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all other ideologies.” (9:33).



Islam does not Impose Restrictions on Scientific Knowledge

Would a veiled woman reach a different conclusion, from an unveiled woman, during a scientific experiment in a laboratory? If not, then why does a particular group view religious education and values, as an obstacle to the acquisition of science, technology and creativity! In fact, this group, influenced by Western thought and progress, compares Islam to Christianity, when the Church in Europe became a hurdle to the acquisition of scientific knowledge. While Islam does not restrict the acquisition of scientific knowledge, it determines in which fields, experimental science must be made the basis and in which fields Shariah law must be made the basis.


Modern Means and Styles for Education

The Islamic State will use modern means and styles for the intellectual education of the students, which will not only achieve the goal of building the Islamic personalities of the students, but will also produce experts in all spheres of life. By strengthening the Islamic Belief in the Ummah, her loyalty to Islam will be consolidated, her values, civilization and identity will be protected, and she will be able to achieve the lofty goal of spreading the Message of Islam throughout the world. Therefore, education will play an important role to allow the Ummah to attain the highest position in the world and to let Islam overcome false ideologies.


Economic System


The Fundamental Economic Problem

The economic problem in Islam’s view is to distribute the wealth and resources within the society, such that every individual can obtain benefit from it. Unlike today, in the Khilafah, the target is neither to increase the foreign exchange reserves nor is the primary economic indicator how much GDP is rising or falling. Instead, the focus is to fulfill the basic needs of every individual of society and enable them to seek luxuries.



Fiat Currency is Unstable Currency

Today the paper (fiat) currency, circulating all over the world, has no real assets to back it, except that it is issued by governments. This means that if for some reason, states and governments collapsed, went bankrupt or entered severe crises, these paper currencies would become little more than trash, because they do nor represent actual wealth in themselves. However, in Islam the basis of currency is gold and silver which have their own intrinsic value, irrespective of time and place. They do not require legitimacy through government backing for their worth. Thus, the bimetallic gold and silver based currency, as per the commands of Allah (swt) is a stable and resilient form of currency.



The Islamic Economic System Guarantees Real Generation of Wealth

The Islamic economic system through utilization of agricultural land, increasing the manufacturing capability of the industrial sector, stimulating companies, employment and trade, generates actual wealth in society. In contrast, the Capitalist economic system focuses on the increase of wealth in digital form, through financial markets and stock exchanges, due to which the apparent national economy seems to be large, but in real terms has a fragile and vulnerable basis. This is the reason even small crises escalate into overwhelming crises in Capitalism, whilst the Islamic economic system is free of any such crises.



Islam’s Agricultural Laws will Boost Means for Livelihood in Rural Areas

Islam presents a unique ruling regarding the utilization of agricultural land, in which if a person does not cultivate land for three consecutive years, then the state confiscates the land from him and gives it to a person capable of cultivating it. This ruling will discourage those landlords who, despite possessing huge tracts of land, refrain from cultivating it. At the same time, it will also encourage those landlords to employ large numbers of farmers to work on these lands. In both situations, implementing this Islamic ruling, will not only bring large tracts of land under cultivation and increasing the agricultural productivity, it will also generate opportunities for means of livelihood.



Islamic Rulings on Agricultural Land Create Economic Liquidity in Society

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, مَنْ أَحْيَا أَرْضًا مَيِّتَةً فَهِيَ لَهُ “Whosoever revived a dead land, it becomes his” (Bukhari). This Hadith ensures agricultural land ownership for any person who works on and revives dead, barren and unclaimed land or claims it through fencing. This ruling encourages capital investment in cultivation of barren land, enhancement agricultural production and employment. This will not only generate economic activity but also generate new avenues for employment in the society.



Domestic Debt

Fiscal policy is related to the revenues and expenditures of the state. Fiscal deficit in itself is neither good nor bad, for the factors which gave rise to it determine that. Pakistan has to spend 79% of its revenues on interest payments, out of which 86% goes to domestic debt. Pakistan cannot fulfil its economic needs from only 20% of the collected revenues and therefore must secure more loans, which means even more interest payments. The reality is that the national economy has been mortgaged against interest-based loans. There is no escape from this vicious cycle, except by withdrawing from paying interest.



Khilafah’s History


The Glory of the Ottoman Khilafah

The glory of the Ottoman Khilafah was due to the efforts of rulers like Sultan Muhammad Fateh and Suleman the Magnificent in the implementation and propagation of Islam. The reason for the abolition of this Khilafah was weakness in the understanding of Islam, which led to the weaknesses in the Khilafah of Muslims. The Muslims did not identify these weakness in due time, delaying their rectification until they lost their Khilafah state. If Muslims wish to regain their glory again, then this will not be achieved through liberalism. It will only be achieved by improving the understanding of the systems of Islam and re-establishing the Khilafah to implement and propagate Islam.



The Khilafah Movement

The Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent started the Khilafah Movement to save the declinging Ottoman Khilafah in Istanbul, because they understood the importance of Khilafah for the unification of the Muslim World. Although the Ottoman Khilafah was at its weakest after its former glory and could not fulfill its responsibilities at the time, the Khilafah movement shook the British rule in the Subcontinent. As for the Khilafah on the Method of the Prophethood whose return is prophesied by the Messenger of Allah (saw) himself, is it not deserving for all manner of sacrifice from the Muslims of Pakistan to re-establish it?



Muslims Were Strengthened by Islamic Ruling

In 1845, the onset of the Great Irish Famine resulted in over a million deaths. The Ottoman Khaleefah Abdul Majid declared his intention to send 10,000 sterling to Irish farmers, despite on-going economic problems within the Ottoman State.  However, Queen Victoria requested that the Sultan send only 1,000 sterling, because she had sent only 2,000 sterling herself. The Sultan sent the 1,000 sterling but also secretly sent three ships full of food. The English courts tried to block the ships, but the food arrived in Drogheda harbor and was left there by Ottoman sailors.


The World’s Only Superpower

There was a time when the Muslims were the only superpower in the world, due to their unification under the Khilafah state. Then this centrality of Muslims weakened and they divided into numerous states. Some of their areas were occupied by colonialist powers and the Khilafah started becoming weaker. Then the situation worsened and the Khilafah was abolished and some Muslims introduced the idea of a union of Muslim countries, on the pattern of an Islamic confederation. Then the slogan of Islamic confederation died and every Muslim country was for itself. Alhamdulillah, today, the idea of Khilafah has gained roots again in the Ummah and the new dawn of the Khilafah, as prophesied by the Messenger of Allah (saw), is not far away.


Khilafah Rashidah

These are the areas which were conquered by Khilafah Rashidah in a short span of thirty years and Islam was implemented. In shaa’ Allah, the re-established Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood will fulfil the prophecy of Messenger of Allah (saw), wherein he said, ليَبْلُغن هذا الأمر ما بلغ اللَّيل والنَّهار، ولا يترك الله بيت مَدَرٍ ولا وَبَرٍ إلَّا أدخله اللهُ هذا الدِّين، بِعِزِّ عَزِيزٍ أو بِذُلِّ ذَليلٍ، عِزًّا يُعِزُّ الله به الإسلام، وذُلًّا يُذِلُّ الله به الكفر “This matter (Islam) will reach where the day and night reach and Allah (swt) will not leave any house or tent except that He makes Islam enter it, either with grace or with shame. Allah gives grace through Islam and gives shame through Kufr”. (Ibn Hibban)



The Destruction of the Islamic State was One of the Purposes for which Britain Declared War on Germany

In his 2009 essay, ‘Islam and its Discontents’, Brenden Clifford of the Bevin Society wrote: “Islam, one of the major cultures of the world, has been without a state to uphold its position in the world-order for close on 90 years. The Islamic state was destroyed by Britain in the course of the war, which it declared on Germany in 1914. It has been argued that the destruction of the Islamic state was one of the purposes for which Britain declared war on Germany. And the destruction of the Islamic state appears to me to be the ultimate cause of the condition of the world which the USA and Britain call the War on Terror.”


Islamic Revival


Why Muslims Aren’t Prospering Today!

Every nation sanctifies the ideology which it considers to be correct. So when a system is implemented in the nation that emanates from that ideology, the nation sanctifies that system in the same way. Thus the nation reveres such a system, happily acts according to it and considers opposing it, a crime. This produces a unification of thoughts, emotions and inclinations within it and hence that nation embarks on the way for revival.


How is the Revival of the Ummah Possible?

The problem currently faced by Muslims is that they believe the ideology of Islam to be correct, however the system that is implemented upon them emanates from the ideology of others. That system contradicts the one that emanates from Islam. Thus, Muslims feel no reverence for this system, just as they feel no reverence for the ideology from which this system emanates. Thus, there exists a friction between the Muslims and the system that is implemented over them, which in turn hinders Muslims to unify upon a basis to set themselves on the path of revival.



Revival of Muslims

The revival of Muslims is only possible when a system is implemented on them that emanates from the ideology that Muslims believe to be correct, the ideology of Islam. Only such a system will be sacred for Muslims. Thus, they will consider following that system a virtuous thing and will treat opposing that system as a sin. This will unify them on one basis and lead Muslims towards revival and prosperity.



It is Imperative to Uproot the Current System and Replace it by the Khilafah

Today, all the problems which Pakistan is facing, economically and beyond, are not just due to bad governance. Instead, they are a direct consequence to the implementation of the capitalist system which enables the West, and its institutions like the World Bank and the IMF, to intervene and implement their colonialist policies through a local democratic class. Hence, this complete system must be uprooted, and replaced by the Khilafah, establishing the ruling by all that Allah (swt) has revealed, as a blessing for the whole of humankind.


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