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STATEMENT FROM MUSLIMAH HIZB UT TAHRIR INDONESIA "Against the Beauty Pageant of 2015 Putri Indonesia! Stop the Exploitation and Degrading Women's Dignity!"

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Indeed, it is miserable knowing what the government has done in protecting women's dignity! Though there are statements and actions of rejection from various components of society, Indonesian government still allow and even support the beauty pageants as 2015 Putri Indonesia to take place. The government's support can be seen from the contribution of several Ministers of Working Cabinet who are involved in giving speeches to the pageant's participants. However, this pageant does not give any profit for nation's income nor generation quality improvement. This pageant only raises benefit sources for the organizer and sponsors i.e. fashion and cosmetic industries, and it raises media ratings.

Since the beginning of its implementation in Western countries, such pageants are aimed at looking for swimsuit modelling which requires its contestants to be appraised regarding their physical weight and the contestants are exposed as ‘window dressing'. The assessment criteria which cover the concept of 3B (Beauty, Brain and Behaviour) and social roles like being ambassador of Tourism, Culture Ambassador, Anti-Drugs and others are only a decoy to increase the prestige of those pageants. The pageants moreover become a symbol in legalizing the exploitation of women's body. It will be such a shame if Indonesia as a Muslim country also joins in following the primitive culture of western countries which disregards religious norms.

As a sincere contribution to prohibit all those kinds of exploitation and as a serious attempt to bring back women's dignity, Muslimah Hizb ut Tahrir Indonesia states:

1. To reject the Beauty Pageant of 2015 Putri Indonesia and call every element to ban all pageants alike that are a symbol of exploitation of women's figures and declination of women's reputation.

2. To urge the government to ban the pageant from taking place and stop taking benefits from the event by placing the winner as an ambassador of Tourism-Culture and of any kind and to recommend to the government to stop all kinds of women's exploitation.

3. To call on all elements to realize that those pageants are a product of Western culture which aims at spreading moral destruction from their societies to Muslim countries as Indonesia. At the same time, Western countries have systematically attacked the notable Sharia law by considering it as a law which restrains women through the rules of hijab, a law to separate men and women from socializing and others.
Oh women, aggregate your potential to achieve life's honour! Realize that the democracy system and neoliberal government only put women as sources of material profit and sexual objects that are far beyond implementing honour and dignity! Realize that the Islamic system and Islamic Caliphate are the only way to protect morality, create integrity, an honour to behave and to build a generation that has noble pride. Furthermore, the Islamic Caliphate is a system which prevents and bans women's exploitation and being judged from physical criteria. In fact, the Islamic Caliphate requires guarding women's honour, ensuring their prosperity; and also assesses women in accordance to their devotion, ethics and behaviour. It is indeed a true women empowerment. The Prophet (pbuh) said,

«إن لكل دين خُلقًا، وخُلُقُ الإسلام الحياء»

"Surely every religion has a morality, and morality of Islam is modesty." (HR. Ibnu Majah)

Iffah Ainur Rochmah
Spokesperson of Muslimah Hizb ut Tahrir in Indonesia



News and Comment Political Conspiracy or Not, Justice is Not Served in the Case of Anwar

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On the 10th of February 2015, Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition leader of the Malaysian political scene was found guilty and convicted for sodomy by Malaysia's highest court. Anwar, 68, is staring at a five-year jail sentence meted out by the Court of Appeal, which in March last year overturned High Court's decision to acquit him of sodomising his former aide, Saiful Bukhari. As a result of this conviction, Anwar, the opposition coalition (PKR) de facto leader, loses his parliamentary seat. This is the second time that Anwar was found guilty of the same offence. The first sodomy case against Anwar was in 1998, after he was sacked from the government. He was then accused of sodomising his wife's former driver, Azizan Abdul Bakar but was acquitted in a 2- 1 majority ruling by the Federal Court in 2004. This latest decision does not only invite harsh criticism from within the country, but also 'annoyance' from the international community. The US National Security Council spokesman, Bernadette Meehan, said, "The US is extremely disappointed with the conviction, after Anwar was originally found not guilty". Switzerland also confirmed that they will raise the case of Anwar's incarceration in a meeting of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations Organization in Geneva.


Anwar Ibrahim's conviction for sodomy has raised numerous questions of political conspiracy against him. Some analysts have even claimed that the conspiracy is a confirmed fact! Since Anwar's first conviction in 1998, there had been speculation that the whole Anwar episode is a part of the ruling party's (UMNO) scheme to destroy his political career. The truth in this issue is indeed elusive but what is clear is that this conviction has contributed to the continuous erosion of public confidence in the Malaysian judicial system. Indeed, the crisis in the judicial system is a part of an unfortunate chain of the many disasters that befell the country. The worst disaster is manifested in the system of the government itself as a form of taghut system inherited from the British and hence constitute laws that are contrary to Islam. Malaysia adopts what is known as legislative dualism where the courts are divided into the civil and Shariah courts. The civil courts are obviously not based on Allah's law but neither are the Shariah courts! 'Shariah laws' remains as laws enacted by man, which is obviously contrary to Islam! This is democracy which places sovereignty in the hands of the people where laws are made by human beings through a majority vote. In this system, humans boastfully took the role of Allah (swt) as the source of law despite the fact that Allah (swt) has mentioned in the Qur'an:

((وَلَا يُشْرِكُ فِي حُكْمِهِ أَحَدًا))

"...and He (God) does not take anyone to share in His decrees" [TMQ Al-Kahf (18): 26].

The continuous domination of this infidel colonial legacy serves as a means for prolonging western occupation in Malaysia, which is reflected in the way the rulers of this country thinks and acts. Indeed Rasulullah (saw) spoke the truth when he (saw) said:

«لتنقضن عرى الإسلام عروة عروة ، فكلما انتقضت عروة تشبث الناس بالتي تليها ، وأولهن نقضاً الحكم وآخرهن الصلاة»

"The knot of Islam will be unravelled knot by knot. Whenever a knot breaks down, the people will hold on to the next knot. The first knot to be unravelled is the knot of governance and the last is the prayer" [Reported by Ahmad].

Now that the knot of Khilafah "Caliphate" had been broken, other knots, including those related to judicial issues are being broken - one by one...

In such a controversial case as with this high profile sodomy case, real justice will never be realized. Anwar was charged but no witness was brought in to testify against him. Mr.Saiful Bukhari on the other hand, admitted to have been involved in the act, without force, but was never punished. Since the court that presided over this case is a secular court, none of the Shariah procedures were followed and Anwar was punished without any credible witness testifying against him while the co-actor of the episode was freed. Conspiracy or not, real justice was not served. How can there be justice if Islam is not the rule of the land?


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Dr. Muhammad - Malaysia




Pakistan Headlines 01/03/2015

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America's Permanent Presence Must Be Met with Jihad by Armed Forces

President Barack Obama's new Pentagon Chief said on 21 February the United States was seriously considering slowing the pace of troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, as the country faces a growing Taliban insurgency. US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter's comments in Kabul offered the clearest sign yet that Washington was ready to delay the closure of some bases and retain more troops after appeals by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and advice from commanders. "That could mean taking another look at the timing and sequencing of base closures to ensure we have the right array of coalition capabilities," he said at a joint news conference with Mr Ghani.

Such a report is no surprise as it is clear already that America aims to maintain a permanent presence in the highly strategic Afghanistan, using a limited withdrawal as cover. The Muslims of the region fully know the danger of such a foreign hostile presence as they have expelled the British Empire and the Soviet Union previously. Moreover, their motivation for the complete removal of such Kuffar forces comes from Islam which mandates Jihad against the enemy. Yet, the current regime's in Afghanistan and Pakistan have sold their Aakhira in return for cheap prizes from the Americans. They work day and night to secure the American presence through political, military and economic means.
Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will end the American presence in the region for it alone will gather the Muslim armed forces' as well as the tribal Muslims from both sides of the Durand Line as one unified formidable force.

Deals with America's Puppet Will Never Secure Peace in the Region

On 24 February, Afghanistan's Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah told reporters in Kabul that peace talks with the Taliban would begin in the "near future". The Americans pressed upon Pakistan to play its role. "In terms of the role of Pakistan, we have long encouraged Pakistan to support (Afghan) President (Ashraf) Ghani's reconciliation efforts," said the State Department's spokesperson Jen Psaki when asked to define Islamabad's role in these talks. "We, of course, remain in support and in contact with President Ghani on these matters as well as certainly countries like Pakistan who have a stake in the outcome," she said.

The puppets of America in Pakistan are having a hard time selling a peace deal to end the war of liberation against America. The Muslims, including those in the armed forces, are aware of the difference between those miscreants who attack schools and army officers and the noble mujahideen who are fighting the crusaders. The Muslims have respect for their purpose and despise America intensely. The aspiration to liberate Muslims Lands is part of the Ummah of Islam. In this region, the Muslims have been cultured about Jihad since the time of the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashida and they have always been defiant against enemies, regardless of their number or strength. The deal that America desires is to ensure that its puppet in Kabul can continue to allow an American presence well after the withdrawal.
The need of the time is the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" which will bring permanent peace within Afghanistan, by unifying the Muslim Lands as one powerful state that will protect the Muslims from America's mischief.

Jihad Against American Occupation is an Obligation, Not Terrorism

Speaking at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London on 25 February, the Interior Minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, said it was a positive aspect of the recent Washington summit that President Barack Obama made a brave speech categorically stating "we must not connect Islam and terrorism". Chaudhry Nisar said, "We need to close ranks behind the message of President Obama to strengthen international unity against terrorism." Then he pointed out, "There were no incidents of terrorism and suicide bombings before 9/11, except occasional cases related to sectarianism, but 9/11 brought a sea change."

The regime's Interior Minister is following his mentor and master Obama as always. Obama's speech which the regime has praised, was full of deception. America wishes that the Muslims abandon Jihad against American occupation, which America considers terrorism. In order, to convince Muslims to abandon Jihad, America tarnishes Jihad by including it with cowardly attacks on civilians and military personnel, sectarian and otherwise. However, Jihad is a Duty whereas killing Muslims is a grave sin. Moreover, America itself is responsible for the killing of Muslims, directly during its invasion and covertly through the black operations of its Raymond Davis network that has infiltrated the naive amongst the Muslims. The Interior Minister himself pointed out that terrorism has surged since 9/11 and the reason is that Musharraf opened the doors to the American FBI, CIA and private military at that time. Doors that subsequent regimes have kept open.

The Muslims do not need Obama, the head of the crusaders, to either explain their religion or help them adhere to it! Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will ensure that whatever Islam has mandated is implemented and whatever it has forbidden will be abstained from. It will mobilize the armed forces in Jihad against occupations. It will eradicate foreign hostile assets from our lands to secure the Muslims.

Regime Deprives the Public and the State of Its Critical Revenue, Through Privatization

Addressing the inaugural ceremony of Expo Pakistan, the country's biggest trade fair showcasing the largest collection of export merchandise and services, in Karachi on 26 February, the Prime Minister said Karachi would be turned into a cradle of peace by 2018. He added, "Pakistan is a land of business opportunities. We offer foreign buyers a very competitive sourcing option. The captains of our industry have carved out their niche in the world market due to their production efficiencies and business ethics."

As the local industry and agriculture founders and collapses, the regime is rushing ahead with foreign ownership of Pakistan's energy and large-scale industry. So, not only is the public and the state deprived of essential forms of revenue, the profits of the foreign owners will leave the country. Thus, whilst patting itself on the back, the regime is pushing the people into the fires of poverty and hardship, whilst preventing the rise of Pakistan as an economic power.

The Khilafah "Caliphate" will ensure that the Shariah rules are implemented regarding the economy. So public property such as electricity and gas will be used for securing the benefit of the citizens, regardless of language, school of thought or religion. And the state will dominate in ownership of engine and heavy machinery manufacture, as well as construction and telecommunications, on the way to becoming a strong industrial state.


News Headlines 28/02/2015

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• Muslims Feel under Threat in Germany following European Attacks

• Austria Passes Reforms to 1912 Islam Law

• Pakistan Demands Cell Phone Users Get Fingerprinted


Muslims Feel under Threat in Germany following European Attacks

Ferid Heider, a young and popular imam in Berlin, began hearing stories of threats and intimidation after three radical gunmen killed 17 people in Paris in a series of attacks last month. They continued as a new attack in Copenhagen raised fears about Islam, again, and anti-terror police raided homes and mosques across Europe. One young woman, who wears a headscarf, told him that after the Paris shootings, a stranger hissed at her on the street that she "should be killed." Other congregants tell him they feel they have to answer for crimes they didn't commit. We feel this pressure every day," Heider said. "The public wants the Muslims to explain themselves or say sorry." In the wake of the Paris shootings, mosques in France were targeted with gunshots, grenades and graffiti. Pig heads were left outside religious centers-an insult mimicked in Sweden, which has seen a string of arson attacks on mosques since the beginning of the year. Though Germany has been spared such widespread acts of violence, the terrorist attacks in Europe have surfaced undercurrents of hostility toward Muslims here that make them feel like outsiders in their own homes. Heider-a former radical-turned-jovial youth group leader-isn't bothered by a little scrutiny of his community. In fact, over the years, he has come to see openness as a way forward amid rising tensions in Europe. "We have to open our mosques and talk to people to take the fear and prejudice away," says Heider, who posts his sermons on Facebook and welcomes anyone into his mosque curious to hear him preach. Many trace the divisions to the 9/11 attacks, which were plotted in the German city of Hamburg.

Besides revealing the vulnerability of Western cities to terrorist attacks, they also ignited fears of Muslim communities within those cities. Since then, reports of radical imams, German-born jihadis and terror cells crisscrossing Europe have become fixtures in the German news. Against this backdrop, blogs like 'Politically Incorrect,' which bills itself as the "digital cheerleader of Islamophobia," gained traction while a somewhat more nuanced book about the threat Muslim immigration poses to German identity became a nationwide bestseller. Late last year, tensions spilled onto the streets of Germany in a series of ugly demonstrations against Muslims in the West organized by a group known as Pegida, or the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West. Between 25,000 and 40,000 people marched at one rally in the eastern city of Dresden last month, with middle-aged demonstrators railing against "criminal" Muslims. [Source: Mashable]

The Muslims of Germany must stick together and prevent divisions amongst their ranks. Allah (swt) says:

((وَاعْتَصِمُواْ بِحَبْلِ اللّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلاَ تَفَرَّقُواْ))

"Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate." [TMQ 3:103]

Austria Passes Reforms to 1912 Islam Law

The Austrian parliament has approved controversial reforms to the country's century-old Islam Law (Islamgesetz), governing the status of Muslims in the country. The new law, which was passed on February 25, is aimed at integrating Muslims and fighting Islamic radicalism by promoting an "Islam with an Austrian character." Among other changes, the new law seeks to reduce outside meddling by prohibiting foreign funding for mosques, imams and Muslim organizations in Austria. It also stresses that Austrian law must take precedence over Islamic Sharia law for Muslims living in the country. The Austrian government says the new law is a milestone and could serve as a model for the rest of Europe. But Muslim groups say it is discriminatory and have vowed to challenge it in court. The new law overhauls the original Islam Law, which dates back to 1912. The original law was passed in order to help integrate Muslim soldiers into the Habsburg Imperial Army after the Austro-Hungarian Empire annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1908. The law recognized Islam as an official religion in Austria, and allowed Muslims to practice their religion in accordance with the laws of the state. After the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed in the aftermath of World War I, the number of Muslims in Austria was reduced to just a few hundred people. After World War II, however, Austria's Muslim population increased rapidly with the arrival of "guest workers" from Turkey and the Balkans in the 1960s, and refugees from Bosnia in the 1990s.

According to data compiled by the University of Vienna, the Muslim population in Austria now exceeds 574,000 (or roughly 7% of the total population), up from an estimated 340,000 (or 4.25%) in 2001 and 150,000 (or 2%) in 1990. The massive demographic and religious shift underway in Austria, traditionally a Roman Catholic country, appears irreversible. In Vienna, where the Muslim population now exceeds 12.5%, Muslim students already outnumber Catholic students at middle and secondary schools. Muslim students are also on the verge of overtaking Catholics in Viennese elementary schools. At the same time, Austria has emerged as a major base for radical Islam. A recent report by Austria's Agency for State Protection and Counterterrorism (BVT) warned of the "exploding radicalization of the Salafist scene in Austria."

Salafism is an anti-Western ideology that seeks to impose Islamic Sharia law. Due to its geographic location, Austria has also become a central hub for European jihadists seeking to fight in Syria. In addition to being a transit point for foreigners going to fight with the Islamic State, at least 190 Austrian citizens have become jihadists in Syria and Iraq. In an interview with Austrian Public Radio Ö1-Morgenjournal, Austria's Minister for Integration and Foreign Affairs, Sebastian Kurz, said the rapid rise of Islam in Austria has rendered the old Islam Law obsolete. A new law is needed, he said, to stipulate more clearly the rights and responsibilities of Muslims living in the country. The new law, however, goes far beyond what Muslims had wanted. For example, the law seeks to prevent the growth of a parallel Islamic society in Austria by regulating mosques and the training of imams, who will now be required to be proficient in German. The new law also requires Muslim organizations and groups to terminate the employment of clerics who have criminal records or who "pose a threat to public safety, order, health and morals or the rights and freedoms of others." More significantly, Paragraph 6.2 of the law seeks to limit the religious and political influence of foreign governments within the Austrian Muslim community by prohibiting foreign countries -- presumably Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf states -- from financing Islamic centers and mosques in Austria. [Source: GateStone Institute]

Allah (swt) says:

وَلَن تَرْضَى عَنكَ الْيَهُودُ وَلاَ النَّصَارَى حَتَّى تَتَّبِعَ مِلَّتَهُمْ قُلْ إِنَّ هُدَى اللّهِ هُوَ الْهُدَى وَلَئِنِ اتَّبَعْتَ أَهْوَاءهُم بَعْدَ الَّذِي جَاءكَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ مَا لَكَ مِنَ اللّهِ مِن وَلِيٍّ وَلاَ نَصِيرٍ

"And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance. If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper." [TMQ: 2:120]

Pakistan Demands Cell Phone Users Get Fingerprinted

Pakistan is telling cellphone users they must register their identities by entering fingerprints in a national database, a move the government sees as a way to combat terrorism but one that has privacy experts wary. Mobile phone users have a deadline this week to match their SIM cards with their fingerprints that will be collected and stored by the government. Officials in Islamabad have said those mobile users who don't or can't register their fingerprints and SIM cards by the deadline will have their service cut off. "Subscriber Identity Module" or SIM cards are used by mobile devices to identify specific users and allow them access to their service. But given the enormous size of the task, and the widespread use of mobile phones across Pakistan, that's increasingly unlikely. While some Pakistanis have been critical of the shortened timeline, they still support the overall goal of fighting terror that is rampant in the country. [Source: Voice of America].

How deluded and dumb-witted the government of Pakistan has become? Unable to provide basic security, electricity, gas, petrol and other amenities to its citizens the government is now threatening to cut telecommunication services...we wonder what is next.  Any sane Pakistani knows that the root cause of terrorism is the presence of America in the region and the continuous interference of Washington in Pakistan's domestic affairs. Severing ties with America will end terrorism not cutting telecommunication services.

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