Sunday, 26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/29
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News and Comment America Uses Escrow to Deceive Citizens

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It has been reported by the media that the United States had announced to put on hold the signing of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact with Tanzania pending the government's action on the Tegeta Escrow scandal.

US Ambassador Mark Childress said the MCC Board meeting in Washington shelved an allocation of $9.78 million (Sh16.14 billion) as it awaits the outcome of the Escrow investigation and other reforms to tame corruption, mainly in the energy sector.


America embarks on the scandal of Tegeta Escrow concerning T306 billion that touched the feelings of many pretending to be seen to uphold manners and ethics only to be seen on the front line in the war against corruption and bribe which is a great lie in broad day light!

All the American projects channeled via MCC and others are nothing but neocolonial strategies to safeguard its interests and influence, the reason behind it to hoodwink citizen turning them to believe that America is sympathetic and so concerned about them. Whereas realistically it is a state that uses force to implement political decisions on developing countries including Tanzania. On the economic side, their multinational companies and other capitalist states rob the resources of these countries tantamount to what they do to other developing countries. If America was so concerned and sympathetic towards citizens and human beings in totality, they would first and foremost stop implementing their oppressive ideology and it would not be spearheading in the scramble and pilfering of the developing countries resources in collaboration with their corrupted democratic politicians.

The capitalist ideology which is being implemented by America has only one criterion for action not any other which is benefit. So, the call for sanctions of their aids towards developing countries as a means of combating corruption and bribe no body save naive can accept it.

In conjunction with this false American declaration of zero tolerance to corruption and bribe and Escrow scandal which it aims to use to portray itself as a role model of ethics and civilization, all have seen the recent report of their senate concerning the heinous torture being conducted by the CIA against Muslims. In reality what is contained in that report is nothing compared to the rampant racially instigated killings by their police like the recent killing of Eric Garner that lead to violent demonstrations. America has failed and cannot be a role model of ethics and civilization due to the corruption, torture, and brutality and stealing of resources from the developing countries.



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Masoud Msellem

Deputy Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in East Africa



US Senate Report on Torture Operations!

On 9/12/2014 CE the Foreign Policy website published a detailed report of nearly 525 pages regarding the crimes of torture that have been committed against Muslims in American prisons!! So what is new in the US Senate report regarding the methods of torture practiced by the CIA to interrogate the detainees? Did it reveal a previously unknown secret?


Tunisia: Picket of Sidi Bouzid, the 4th Anniversary of the Outbreak of the Ummah's Revolution

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Hizb ut Tahrir/ Tunisia organized public events in the city of Sidi Bouzid in the context of the fourth anniversary of the outbreak of the nation's revolution, which triggered from there to reach their own Dar al-Islam (ash-Sham). During these events; leaflets were distributed, talks were given and a massive procession was held through the streets of the city.

Wednesday, 25 Safar 1436 AH corresponding to December 17, 2014 CE




Picket Sidelines



Talks from the Sidelines







Press Release Jordanian Regime Opens the Country to Kuffar and Colonists at the Expense of the Ummah's Dignity (Translated)

The insistence of the Jordanian regime to go ahead with the gas deal with the Jewish entity, despite the objections of the Muslims and their rejection of this deal; due to its violation of the Shar'i in which the only state that should be with the Jewish entity is a state of war. Also because this deal makes the life and future of the people in Jordan hostage to the Jewish entity, the usurper of the Land of Israa' and Mi'raaj. And how it squanders the dignity of the Ummah, and its participation with the Jews in the killing of Muslims in Palestine and their suppression by supplying the entity's treasury with half billion dollars annually, which it will certainly use it to conquer the Muslims there.

Moreover, the regime's signing the Bahrain Canal project, which will provide the Jewish entity with desalinated water at cost price from the desalination plant in Aqaba, and it's allowing for the enemies of the Ummah of Americans, English and French to establish military bases and airports in Jordan.

All this confirms beyond any doubt that the regime in Jordan is not interested whatsoever in preserving the country and the people; and is not concerned with the pride of the Ummah and saving its dignity. Instead it is only concerned with harnessing the country and opening it to the enemies of the Ummah to derive from them the reasons for its survival and sustenance and to be strengthened by them on the people of the country.

O Muslims, O honorable people, O politicians:

We invite you to account the regime on the basis of Islam and prevent it from submitting the country and the future of the people as hostage for the Jews and the Kaffir colonizers. Prevent it from making the Jordanian territory an advanced camp for the colonial Kaffir forces to strike the Ummah, kill its sons, tear its country, thwart its revival on the basis of Islam and prevent it from resuming the Islamic way of life in the Khilafah "Caliphate" State on the method of the Prophethood.

O Muslims:

Our salvation and the preservation of our dignity and our country's capabilities and the protection of our lands from the targeting of the Kuffar and the colonists is not and will not be except by the Khilafah "Caliphate" system which Allah Taala has approved for us. Thus to the hard and sincere work to Him we invite you, so respond to the Caller of Allah for He has called you to that which gives you life.



Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Wilayah Jordan

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