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Pakistan Headlines 09/09/2014

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Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will Secure the Muslims and Non-Muslims of Drought Afflicted Thar

Thirty-year-old Marubhat, a resident of Samo Bheel village - a two-hour drive from Chhachhro, Pakistan- decided to end her life on 23 August 2014, after she had failed to provide food for her children, as reported by Dawn Newspaper on 2nd September. In previous years, twenty four such suicide cases were reported in 2011 and 35 in 2012. But this is the 31st death in Tharparkar district as a result of suicide within just seven months, officials say. According to data compiled by AWARE, an NGO working in Thar, suicide is a dilemma faced by both women and men. "We are pressurised to avoid giving exact figures," says Ali Akbar Rahimoo, executive director at AWARE. "But these suicide cases cannot be looked at in isolation as they are part of a bigger problem which is poverty due to drought." The drought began over a year ago. Yet, Whilst men and women are killing themselves, with children dying of hunger and thirst, the provincial and federal governments are busy in pointing fingers at each other. The drought in Thar is not a new issue as it is a desert region. The government instead of implementing a permanent solution to the problem has left the remedies to the NGOs with limited funds and resources. And this in a country which is amongst the largest producers of wheat, with  25 million metric tonne per year, ranked 8th in the world and with a similar ranking for overall agriculture production in the world! The situation highlights the problem with distribution of the resources and the absence of a government that cares for the people.

Islam has defined food, shelter and clothing as the individual basic need and health, education and security as the collective basic need for society whose fulfillment is the responsibility of the Islamic state. It is narrated that Rasool Allah (saw) said

«لَيْسَ لِابْنِ آدَمَ حَقٌّ فِي سِوَى هَذِهِ الْخِصَالِ: بَيْتٌ يَسْكُنُهُ وَثَوْبٌ يُوَارِي عَوْرَتَهُ وَجِلْفُ الْخُبْزِ وَالْمَاءِ»

"The son of Adam has no right to anything except these properties: a house to live in, a clothing to cover his ‘awrah (parts of body that must be covered in public), a chunk of bread, and water" (reported by Al-Tirmidhi who said it is Hasan Sahih). Therefore we see, the Khulafa'a in Islam striving to fulfill the basic needs of all the citizens of the Khilafah "Caliphate" state. In the year 17-18 A.H, Hijaz and Syria were faced by severe famine and drought. Umar (ra) took steps to get food supplies from Egypt, he ordered the wali (governor) of Egypt to send help, he sent three big ships of grains to Madinah which were unloaded in the presence of Hadzrat Umar (ra). He himself distributed the grains amongst the needy. Umar (ra) did not take any delicacy (butter etc.) during the famine period. When he was requested to take care of his health, he said, "If I don't taste suffering, how can I know the sufferings of others?."

Moreover, not only did the Khilafah "Caliphate" take care of the affairs of the Muslims and non-Muslims living within the boundaries of the Khilafah "Caliphate", it made efforts to alleviate the suffering of humanity outside of its borders. In 1845, the onset of the Great Irish Famine resulted in over a million deaths. The Uthmaani Sultan Khaleefah Abdul-Majid declared his intention to send 10,000 Sterling (which is more than 2 Million USD today) to Irish farmers but Queen Victoria requested that the Sultan send only 1,000 sterling, because she had sent only 2,000 sterling herself. The Sultan sent the 1,000 sterling, but also secretly sent three ships full of food. The English courts tried to block the ships, but the food arrived in Drogheda harbor and was left there by the Uthmaani Khilafah "Caliphate"'s navy. Due to this the Irish people, especially those in Drogheda, are friendly with the Muslims of Turkey until this day.

Democracy Remains as America's Horse in Pakistan, Ready for any Jockey

Throughout the lengthy, disruptive and violent standoff between the PML-N and PTI parties, America repeatedly stressed support for Democracy. In the build up to the crisis, the US Ambassador busily met the different factions, underlining that America will only accept change according to the constitution of Democracy. Then, as the crisis began to deepen, the US State Department Deputy Spokesperson said on 22 August 2014 that the US ambassador "meets quite frequently with a range of officials" and then stressed again upon acting according to the constitution of Democracy. Then on 29 August, as violent confrontation loomed, the US State Department stressed yet again that "peaceful protests and freedom of expression" were "important aspects of democracy."

Those upon whom America depends on for control over Pakistan and its armed forces repeated their Washington master's call to support Democracy. The Raheel-Nawaz regime declared via the ISPR on 1 September 2014, "Army is an apolitical institution and has expressed its unequivocal support for democracy at numerous occasions." As for the PTI, it exposed itself before the people as undeserving to rule Pakistan as the current regime, by struggling for Democracy. On 1 September 2014, Imran Khan spoke with great pride for "My eighteen year struggle for justice and Democracy."

Thus, both directly and through its agents, America stressed upon support for Democracy because Democracy is the clear guarantor of American interests in Pakistan. This is why in a 12 December 2012 interview to the BBC, when asked about who would win Pakistan's May 2013 elections, the US Ambassador Richard Olson declared with great confidence, "Our horse is democracy." Yes indeed, it is Democracy that America steers according to its interests, regardless of who comes to ride as a jockey upon it, whether the PPP, the PML-N or the PTI.

Energy Must Be a Public Property As Mandated by Islam, Not Privatized Under Capitalism

Pakistan State Oil Company (PSO) on Wednesday 3 September unveiled accounts for the year ended June 30, 2014, showing 73 per cent growth in profit-after-tax (PAT) to Rs21.8 billion, translating into earning per share (eps) at Rs80.31 from PAT at Rs12.6bn or eps at Rs46.52 the previous year. A statement by the company said that PSO's sales and PAT had hit all time high. Sales revenue grew 9pc to Rs1.4 trillion from Rs1.29tr YoY.

"The Board commended the management led by Amjad Parvez Janjua MD-PSO, for achieving outstanding yearly's results for the Company, which are all time high in the history of PSO" statement concluded.

This grand announcement comes over a year after the government confirmed that PSO will be handed over to private ownership, so that the immense wealth is confined to a few hands. On 13 July 2013 Muhammad Zubair, Chairman of the regime's Board of Investment (BOI), confirmed that the PSO will be privatized. The privatisation of state-owned companies is one of the conditions imposed by the International Monetary Fund's $5.3 billion to $7.3 billion bailout package.

Islam will end the capitalist economy and establish an Islamic one. As a system Islam ensures the distribution of wealth and one of its mechanisms is the public ownership of oil resources as well as coal, electricity and gas. As such these resources are neither owned by the state nor individuals. Instead, the state administers this resource to ensure that its benefit is used for all the citizens, regardless of race, color, school of thought and religion. The Khilafah "Caliphate" will abolish oppressive taxes upon power and fuel which have further greatly inflated their prices. It will charge only to cover their production and distribution costs, if needed, and any profit from sales to non-hostile non-Muslim states will be put to use for taking care of the public's needs. Islam's energy policy will contribute to a massive industrialization of Pakistan, supervised by the Khilafah "Caliphate".


Democracy is a Business Opportunity for Corrupt Politicians

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan stirred up a controversy on 4 September with a frontal attack on PPP leader Aitzaz Ahsan, accusing him of using the name of the late Benazir Bhutto for business interests and personal gains and being a facilitator of the biggest land mafia in the country. "I know where he is speaking from. He is a representative and facilitator of the biggest land mafia in the country," Chaudhry Nisar remarked. The charges levelled immediately prompted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to call Mr Ahsan and the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Syed Khursheed Shah, to apologise over the remarks. However, the Interior Minister of the ruling PML-N attacking the PPP over corruption is the pot calling the kettle black. Democracy is a business opportunity for all corrupt politicians. Thus the remarks are not a surprise for anyone who understand Democracy and the apologies of the ruling PML-N are nothing more than embarrassment over its own corrupt financial ventures.

Wherever democracy exists, neglect and exploitation of the people by the few elite will always occur. In Western democracies, the richest people are those with access to political power in democracy, either directly or through sponsorship of politicians. The concentration of wealth in these hands is legalized through man made legislation under democracy. The political families make wealth because they have usurped from society sources of huge revenue. Specifically, the predominately state properties and public properties, such as large scale arms manufacture, banking and energy industry. In Democracy human mind is used as the source of what is right and wrong, despite its limitations in knowledge, error in judgment, inability to be selfless and contradictions. So human beings have been able to legalize oppression over others by making laws to secure it.

So if this is the situation in developed and uninterrupted Democracy's why should anyone be surprised that it occurs in Pakistan's Democracy? This inbuilt corruption is the reason that Democracy attracts the ruthless, cunning and greedy. Whereas the sincere and talented people stay away from politics and find a Halaal living in the vibrant and creative private sector. Islam cuts the cause of exploitation of the masses by an elite. In the Khilafah "Caliphate", Muslims live according to the commands and prohibitions of Islam. Allah (swt) has revealed,

((وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلاَ مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُمْ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَنْ يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلاَلاً مُبِينًا))

"It is not befitting for a believing man or woman to have any choice in a matter, when it has been decided upon by Allah and His Messenger." [Surah Al-Ahzab 33:36].


Democratic Regimes Neglect the Flood Victims

Over the weekend of 7-8 September 2014, the death toll reached 115, due to flooding after recent heavy rain in parts of Pakistan's provinces of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (KPK), with others injured. Most of the deaths were caused by roof collapses, landslides and electric shocks. A number of cities received over 130mm of rain. Pakistan's meteorological office issued a severe weather warning for northeast Punjab and Kashmir, saying more intense rain was expected which could trigger flash flooding.

Despite the history of floods in past four years, no adequate measures can be seen practically by any Democratic government. The NCCP (National Climate Change Policy) that was launched in the aftermath of previous floods in response to public anger has now been shelved. Shortly after coming to power in May 2013 general elections, the PML(N)-led government demoted the Ministry of Climate Change to a Division and slashed its budget, as the issue was no longer under public scrutiny. Regarding the drainage system a WASA official declared, "In December, WASA sent necessary maps and drawings and data on the water and sanitation system to Turkish experts to suggest improvement in the system." the Turkish officials suggested WASA to specify canals to drain sewage and rainwater separately, so that they did not choke during rains. They had also suggested the construction of new canals as per needs besides urging WASA not to rely on the decades-old combined sewerage system. They also asked WASA to install water treatment plants in the city to be used for irrigation, rather than diverting it to the rivers. They also stressed on educating people to dispose of domestic waste properly rather than letting it flow on roads and streets. The suggestions were never taken up for consideration. Democracy has proven itself as a system that only secures the interests of the democratic political elite and neglects the people.

Islam has made politics as looking after the affairs of the Ummah and an obligation. Failure renders the ruler accountable on the day of Judgment. RasulAllah (saw) said,

كانت بنو إسرائيل تسوسهم الأنبياء، كلما هلك نبي خلفه نبي، وأنه لا نبي بعدي، وستكون خلفاء فتكثر، قالوا: فما تأمرنا ؟ قال: فوا ببيعة الأول فالأول، وأعطوهم حقهم فإن الله سائلهم عما استرعاهم

‘The Prophets ruled over the children of Israel, whenever a prophet died another Prophet succeeded him, but there will be no Prophet after me. There will soon be Khulafaa' and they will number many.' They asked: ‘what then do you order us?' He said: ‘Fulfil the Bai'ah to them, one after the other and give them their dues for Allah will verily account them about what he entrusted them with.'" [Muslim]. Thus we see, the politicians in Islam keep looking after the affairs of the Ummah. Umar (ra) when charged with ruling said, "If an animal, in the land of Iraq trips, I would be afraid that Allah  (saw) would account me, for not fixing the road for it." When floods struck Makkah after the passing of RasulAllah (saw), Umar (ra) ordered the construction of two dams to protect the Kaaba and also constructed a dam near Medina to protect its fountains from flooding, thus resolving the devastation from flood from it very basis. Also, during a famine, Umar ibn al-Khattab ordered the construction of a canal in Egypt connecting the Nile with the sea. The purpose of the canal was to facilitate the transport of grain to Arabia through a sea-route, hitherto transported only by land. The canal was constructed within a year by 'Amr ibn al-'As, and Suleman Nadvi may Allah have mercy on him wrote, "Arabia was rid of famine for all the times to come."


Europe's Deep Fault-lines, its Relations with the US and How the Khilafah can Dominate Europe

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Today's Europe that seems united on the surface in the form of the European Union, carries in its roots the worst of vices, including nationalism, love for materialism, a corrupt thinking based on narrow interests and a horrible past of bloody wars that killed millions of its own people.

European countries harmed each other severely through continuous wars in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries in general and in the Twentieth century in particular. Finally the European states decided to get rid of their bloody past and be united on economic terms after the Second World War. They laid the foundations of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 and the European Economic Community in 1958 to provide themselves with such a platform based on economic interests and gains that could compel them to honor each other's territorial boundaries. Despite internal differences, they became set to work for the prosperity and material progress of their poverty-stricken people who were really sick of the pathetic economic policies of their governments and the centuries' long wars.

Initially, only six European countries participated to establish these two communities namely. France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg; and they started to sweep European resources through common policies. Gradually, other European countries began joining them on these two platforms and then finally, after the fall of USSR and Communism, fifteen European countries gave these two communities an extended form of European Union under the Maastricht Treaty. Besides economic benefits, its other objective was to play an active political role, so as to fill the vacuum after the demise of the United Soviet Socialist Republic and possibly realize the European Union as a strong political power along with the US, on the world stage. Germany and France, being the strongest pillars of Europe, are the forerunners that yearn keenly to exercise a strong political influence over the world, whilst the total number of the countries included in the EU is now twenty-eight. An important point to be kept in mind is that the reasons behind uniting Europe were more political than economic, in which the most pivotal was to stop Europe from indulging in wars that broke out again and again, due to nationalism and the clash of their interests.

The European Union achieved economic progress to a considerable extent after its establishment in 1993. It rose to the heights parallel to America in economic field, through different judicious measures. In order to shape the EU into a coordinated entity of different European countries, many policies were implemented. In addition to a single European market commonly known as the Free Trade Zone that already existed within these countries, they decided to adopt and exercise uniform laws of judiciary, commerce, agriculture, fisheries and regional development internally, and to ensure free movement of people, services, goods and capital externally. On the other hand, the incentive of Shengen Visa also made Europe a center of attraction for the people around the world. European countries that were gaining economic strength with the passage of time decided to give up their national currencies and adopt a single currency, the Euro, in 2002 in order to make themselves the biggest economy in the world. So far eighteen countries have adopted Euro. This block of 18 countries is called Euro Zone.

The EU, after its inception in 1993, made rapid development economically at the global level, till 2007, because of the stable economic factors in the international market, although even during this period it was nowhere near the US in the military field. Nor could Europe undermine the American political influence over the world. Due to this economic gain, the European countries fell into an illusion that they had got rid of their bloody, wrangling past and that their future progress depends on the EU alliance. This illusion did not last long, as soon these countries found themselves afflicted by the torment of the economic crisis that began in 2008 from America. The European countries that had made an alliance based on material benefits, in no time returned back to those differences that were very much alive in their foundations. These differences are deeply rooted in their endearing concept of nationalism, despite being the followers of the same religion. Let's take a deep look what kind of crisis Europe is surrounded by and how in this crisis their internal differences, that had lessened, re-emerged.

After the international financial crisis erupted in November 2008 in America, the EU officially announced an economic slump in Europe. Following this, other crises started to spring up, one after the other, that included the crisis of the stock markets and the bankruptcy of banks and other financial institutions. The European countries initiated costly bailouts to rescue these institutions, which instead of resolving the crisis, became a tremendous burden on the sickening economies of these countries. This crisis, very soon turned into sovereign debt crisis that continues until today. The crisis of the Euro became apparent when its value began to fall against the main international currencies, particularly the US Dollar, that was in fact followed by the sovereign debt crisis, meaning the crisis of nations' debts. It usually erupts when the income and GDP of a state declines against the built-up debt and loan. Then the state issues its debt in the form of treasury bonds, which are purchased by other states, banks and international financial institutions. The state that issues treasury bonds also pays interest on them to the buyers. However, if the state becomes unable to pay off its debt, interest and the insurance value against these bonds, then the buyers would not only stop buying further bonds but also try to get rid of the bonds they had bought previously. Consequently, a severe crisis takes place, which not only affects the economy of the state, but it also shakes the political stability along with the government's position.

The Euro Zone fell under immense pressure after the news in 2011 that Greece would fall behind in paying its debts that had reached 350 billion Euros ($ 482 billion). These debts were above its GDP, by 160%, whilst the deficit in its budget had reached 13.6%, whilst the permitted deficit level within the EU is only 3.5%. This crisis got so serious that the Greek Prime Minister Papandreou had to resign before the completion of his term. Italy had to face the same scenario and its Prime Minister Berlusconi too, announced his resignation. Other European countries like Ireland, Portugal and Spain also suffered the same crisis. This sovereign debt crisis stretched even to France, which is not only an important country of the Euro Zone, but also a major political player of the EU.

Europe has been facing this crisis for the last six years now, but is still struggling hard to come out of it. It has not succeeded yet in overcoming this ordeal and the obvious reason of this failure lies in the concern over conflicting national interests of every country, rather than thinking about the collective welfare of the European Union.

Germany and France are the two strongest pillars of Europe. These two have a desperate longing to use the EU as a strong political bloc, so as to exercise an effective influence over the world. France and Germany both are working to solve the problems of the Euro Zone.

However, it appears that there are fundamental differences between them regarding how to manage the crisis and how to deal with it. This has been specially so because the subject of economy clashes with the subject of sovereignty of nations. France and Germany both consider themselves the two great heads and leaders of the EU. As such there is a competition behind the scenes between them, concerning which one of them will have the main say within the Union. France, on the one hand, suggested the establishment of Economic Government as a treatment for this crisis that will impose a specific economic policy on every Euro Zone country, which will be binding upon it. Germany, on the other hand, proposed to form an economic management, having a structure and a framework that would impose sanctions.

Germany did not agree with the French suggestion of establishing an economic government as it will give an impression to other countries, that there is a higher authority over their national governments that dictates to them. Moreover it will erode their sovereignty. That's why French proposal was not welcomed at all by Germany.

As regards to the European Union, it is of utmost importance to comprehend the role of Germany. It will not be an exaggeration to say that Germany has benefited the most from the European markets, not only before the EU was formed, as well as after its formal foundations in 1993. It consumed the resources from all of Europe to strengthen itself and to bring prosperity to its people. Economically, Germany is the strongest country of Europe.

Its strong economy relies heavily upon its exports that comprise 40% of its GDP. Germany is the second biggest exporter in the world. Europe, being a free trade zone, is a vast international market of over 500 million people. Germany's huge and ever increasing industrial and agricultural production require a vast market and the European Free Trade Zone benefits Germany from every aspect. The huge exports of Germany have monopolized the markets across Europe. This helps it to accumulate wealth from all over Europe. In addition, Germany holds the largest financial share in the European Central Bank (ECB) because it is the strongest economically amongst all the European countries. Thus its interests always remain protected. The value of the Euro is also controlled by ECB. So we can understand that if Germany holds the largest share in the ECB then it is in the position not only to influence the Euro, but also European Monetary Policy at large. Hence, Germany knows that it is in its own interest to keep Europe intact under the umbrella of one Euro currency and the EU Charter. But on the other hand, its policies and economic interests pose a hurdle for EU to get out of its economic crisis. Almost every European country is facing trade deficit with Germany. Even France, which is the second most important country of Europe, has billions of Euros drowned, due to this trade deficit with Germany. This trade deficit becomes a major reason for the overall budget deficit in the economies of these countries.

Moreover, Germany's stronghold over ECB also influences the economic matters of these countries.

Although Germany never wants to put its national interests at stake, it desperately wants to rescue the Euro from the sovereign debt crisis. In order to save the EU from weakening further, Germany has suggested many measures which are:

1- The EU should legislate an authority for Brussels- the EU capital- to control budgets of the states which suffer from a national debt crisis, through the European Central Bank.

2- Such countries must adopt austerity measures in their monetary policy, that will result in a considerable cut in the funds allocated for public development projects and government expenditures.

3- The EU should seize supporting those countries economically, as well as politically, at all international forums that usually permit deficits, to increase their budgets a great deal.

4- The voting rights of these countries should be frozen in the EU elections that are held after every five years, for a specific number of years.

5- These countries should lower the public salaries and wages in relation with austerity measures.

6- Germany also suggested that other countries should follow its example in limiting the budget deficit ceiling in their constitution, to avoid exclusion from the EU.

European countries, on the other hand, are unwilling to accept these German proposals as they will have to face a furious response from the public if they put a cut on development projects and their salaries and wages. These suggestions also require a change in the Lisbon Treaty that governs the EU which only came to existence after a difficult birth due to the sharp differences within the European states which were unwilling to surrender their national interests. Moreover, these suggestions were also seen by other states as a direct interference in their sovereignty for which they would never give their consent. Consequently, the EU does not seem to succeed in resolving this crisis so far because every state prefers its own interests rather than thinking about the collective benefit of the Union.

As far as the austerity measures are concerned, the European states in debt are not ready to adopt them beyond a certain limit. They think that they will have to take several tough steps, that also include further increase in taxation and lowering of wages. These steps will turn their public against them and leave them extremely unpopular amongst their people. They take a view that the stronger countries of Europe took most advantage of the European resources through the free trade zone and other economic policies. So responsibility also lies with them to shoulder the maximum burden of the sovereign debt crisis that has plagued the whole of Europe. In addition, they take the view that these stronger and wealthier countries should keep lending further money to the troubled countries, such as Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Spain, so that these countries do not default and the EU is saved from dismantle. On the other hand, the wealthier countries, especially Germany, which have already granted huge loans to the troubled countries do not intend to continue this practice anymore, particularly when there is little hope of these loans ever being paid back. They prefer instead to encourage these countries to adopt austerity measures.

The European economic crisis aggravates the situation further within each European country, too, because concentration of wealth is worsening, manifested as a class difference. The lower and middle classes of every country think that the general public is already on the losing side because of the crisis. They are facing alarming rates of unemployment and heavy taxes, yet will further be victimized by austerity measures. As for the elites, they do not bother to pay any cost for resolving this crisis. They demand that the elites who are already enjoying exemption from taxes and other perks from the governments, should carry equal burden along with the general public. The people of many European countries blame the EU and consider it a root cause of their economic and financial plight. They think that only the stronger countries use the Union for their interests. That's why there is an increasing demand from the people to their respective governments to pull out of the EU.
Germany, under these circumstances, is facing a dilemma.

If all the indebted countries adopt the austerity measures in the true sense, it will be disastrous for the German economy. True austerity within these countries will result in decline of demand and consumption of German exports across Europe. Germany's exports are the backbone for its economy. If they are hit, Germany will also face a further disastrous downturn in its economy.

So, to avoid this, Germany encourages the European Central Bank to lend money to these countries in order to maintain the demand and consumption of German products across Europe. Moreover, to help the indebted countries, Germany has increased its share in the European Stabilization Fund from 450 billion Euros to 1000 billion Euros. Germany also released a loan of 100 billion Euros for the ailing economy of Spain. All these steps highlight German untiring efforts to save the EU because if any country defaulted, it will have to exit the EU and once this trend started, nobody knows where it will end. It would certainly jeopardize the survival of the EU.

Germany wants other countries to discipline their budgets and emerge from crisis on their own, but this does not seem to materialize and the Euro is still under immense pressure. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned about the future of the Euro Zone, when she declared, "Germany does not want to bankrupt any state because that would mean the bankruptcy of all of us." She repeated it again while addressing the conference of her Christian Democratic Party saying, "Europe is living in its most difficult time since the Second World War.............and if the Euro failed then Europe would fail."

The large number of suggestions from Germany, its support to increase its share in European Stabilization Fund indicate its desperation to bring Europe, EU and Euro out of the crisis while safeguarding its national interests at the same time. All this comes up with its acknowledgement that the Euro is the secret of this Union and its downfall would mean the downfall of Europe.

The political and social implications of this crisis are not less important than Europe. As mentioned earlier, the middle class and the elite of every country are divided over the solution to the crisis, particularly who is going to pay the major share of its costs. Besides this, the unemployment rate in Europe is alarming. In 2013, the average unemployment rate across Europe was 11.6%, whereas in 11 countries, it was 10 to 17% and in two countries, Spain and Greece, it was 25% and 26.5% respectively. This alarming rate of unemployment is extremely dangerous for the whole of Europe. As a result of this unemployment, the people of these countries are suffering from many social problems and politically, they blame European Union for all of this.

As for the position of the cunning Britain, which is a major member of the EU, it stands on a corner, at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, watching the plight of Europe as a mere spectator, while working to protect itself from the disaster of the Union. However, the far reaching effects of this crisis that has struck Britain too. It is not showing any interest in solving the problem, in the same way as it is seeking to make gains and spoils from the crisis. Britain did not enter Euro Zone, refusing to give up its national currency (Pound Sterling). Britain is not concerned with the Euro issue. There are many voices within Britain that are calling to exit from the EU, so that pressure is not put on it from any side to join the Euro Zone. Indeed it showed satisfaction at the expense of the Union when the former Foreign Minister William Hague said, "The Euro will become a moment in history noted for its collective folly (stupidity)," and he compared the Euro Zone to, "A burning building that has no fire escape doors."

On another occasion Prime Minister David Cameron said, "The Euro crisis does not only represent a danger to the European economy alone but rather the world economy in its entirety." The European politicians are well aware of the British hypocrisy and contempt. The former head of European Commission, Bruso once pointed out, "It is upon the states of the Union which are not supportive of joining the Euro not to work to stand in the path of those states that wish to make progress in that direction."

Despite all this, Britain does not want to exit from the EU as long as it remains standing, because it is working to achieve economic gains from it, in addition to the political gains at the world level when it steers Europe to take decisions which are in line with its interests.

Its exit would be harmful for it. David Cameron once said in this regard, "The exiting of Britain from the EU would not be in our national interests. If we were to find ourselves outside the European Union, we would be in a situation similar to Norway meaning that we would be exposed (and affected by) all of the decisions that are being issued from Brussels, without being able to take part in making those decisions." At the same time, he rejected giving up British sovereignty when he called for, "The handing over of a large portion of the European Commission powers in Brussels to the national governments." So Britain does not want to exit from the EU, but at the same time it does not want to enter into Euro Zone.

The facts that the EU is divided into 28 nation states and the lack of a strong unified political leadership within the Union not only harms it economically, but also at the political and military level. America has been successful in using European military forces through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for its own interests. Since 2000, major European countries including Germany, France, Italy and Spain have been trying to form a separate European military force free, from NATO and American influence, by establishing European Operational Headquarters. This military force is intended to be formed to achieve European political and military objectives in the world. So far this plan has not succeeded due to a weak political leadership. Britain too, is opposing this plan vehemently, as it thinks that it will undermine its influence over Europe and it wants to be influential at all costs. The latest effort in this regard was made in 2011, five major countries Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Poland sent a confidential letter to the Foreign Minister of the EU, Lady Ashton, urging her to go ahead in establishing European Operational Headquarters, ignoring Britain. They assured her of their maximum cooperation for this purpose. This confidential letter was somehow leaked out and Britain expressed its extreme anger over it, threatening to veto this plan in the European parliament. Britain is also supported by America in this regard, which wants to see the EU as a weak political entity at every cost. America wants to use European military might only through NATO and of course, for her own interests and benefits.

Besides this, America has also established strong ties with the states of Eastern Europe through military pacts. America influences these European states by assuring them the safeguarding of their security against their enemies.

This influence does not let these states take any interest in forming a separate European force. Thus the EU could not move forward in this direction too, because of the division within the Union and a weak political leadership. Prodi, the former president of the European Commission once expressed his frustration over it by saying, "Europe cannot afford to take care of its treasury only, and leaving its security over America."

Another factor that adds to the weaknesses of the EU is the deficiency of energy resources in Europe especially natural gas. Europe only produces 35 to 40% of its gas consumption while imports 1/3 of its requirement from Russia. This matter makes Europe dependent on Russia to a dangerous extent. Due to this dependency, Europe could not take any effective steps against Russian aggression in Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014. Russia truly crippled Europe in this matter using its gas card.

With all these shortcomings of the European Union, its incapability to resolve the current economic and national debt crisis, increasing unemployment and other problems have really shaken public confidence in it. The public opinion is rapidly turning against the EU alliance. Its evident proof is the results of the EU elections held in France and Britain in June 2014, in which people voted for those parties that consider the EU a hurdle in the progress of their countries. These parties also demand that the major portion of the Union powers should be transferred to the national governments. The number of votes cast to these parties in this election is the highest in EU history, which although does not pose an immediate threat to its integration, surely reflects an increasing dissatisfaction and anger of the people of European countries against it. The political thinkers and the intellectuals of Europe are considering these results as a vote against the EU establishment. It is obvious that the EU that existed before 2008, in the form of a strong economic bloc, is not what exists today. Its formal structure appears the same but it does not function with the same efficiency. The question of what the EU might become in future has been replaced by the question of how long it will survive with its unending crises and a weak public support.

All these arguments prove that EU is a weak alliance of the countries that had decided to be united only to gain material gains and interests, whilst maintaining a strong national identity. It is not one strong political entity, rather an unnatural and loose alliance of 28 nation states. This unnatural alliance carries many weaknesses in which the most important one is the division based on nationalism. This division is its biggest impediment, which will never allow it to become a strong political might.

Discussing America's role is equally important in connection with the EU. America cannot afford to allow the existence of any such bloc or an ideological state that challenges its status as a super power. We all are well aware of the Obama administration's desperate efforts to stop the establishment of Caliphate. So, let us turn our attention as to how it tries through several steps to weaken Europe and does not allow it to emerge as a strong bloc at the world level.

The crisis in Europe presented an opportunity to America to exploit this crisis, to turn the attention away from its own troubled financial and economic situation, as well as the fact that America is the epicenter and the main culprit of the crisis. From another angle, it seeks to shake the confidence of the Europeans in regards to their Union and its currency, Euro. It is also working to cause the downfall of the EU as well as of the Euro so as to diminish the international European influence, which competes with it especially in terms of economics and international politics. Indeed America wants Europe to follow it and walk in its shadow. For this purpose America aids Europe at a moral level, so that it remains following it. America refused the European request to double its funding of the IMF at the 2011 G-20 Summit, so as to move towards a solution for the Euro Zone crisis.

In addition to this refusal, famous American credit rating companies like Standards and Poors and Moody's and Fitch are also playing their role to further destabilize the economic condition of the European countries. These companies lowered the credit rating of Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal and many other European banks, which numbered twenty-one, including several larger banks, which worsened the economic problems of Europe. Besides this, America has been successful in weakening and fanning the European division in political and military fields through the following factors:

1- By keeping NATO intact, which was supposed to be dismantled after the demise of USSR, as it was formed to counter its expansion policy in 1949. America does not want to dismantle it as it uses it for its own interests. It uses it against Islam on one hand and on the other, by using the excuse of NATO, it discourages the idea of forming a separate European force.

2- With the help of the British policy, where Britain does not accept to melt away into the European Union completely and wants to maintain its free and influential status. That's why it puts one foot in the EU and the other foot in America. By doing so, it also becomes a cause of division within the Union and this matter caters American interests.

3- Many states of Eastern Europe that joined the EU in 2003 including Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania have strong ties with the US in terms of military and security pacts. These pacts have given the US a real influence inside Europe.

4- Greater American control over oil producing countries and their resources also gives the US a control over the EU countries that need oil. Moreover, the American control over the Third World rulers allows it to monopolize favorable trade deals and plunder the resources of the world, that deprives Europe of these gains.

All these factors clearly prove American dominance over Europe. Admittedly, America itself is facing a serious economic crisis, America's unemployment rate is also creeping up, there are also some voices found in thirty American states that demand separation from the federation due to unequal distribution of resources and more than forty million people are living under poverty line. However, in comparison with the EU there is no threat to the American union of states in the near future on two grounds:

1- As is the case with the EU, the decision making in America is not divided among separate political units, rather it is concentrated in Washington D.C. only. This matter does not allow its political power to weaken or divide.

2- Although the Caliphate is on its way, there has been no ideological state in the world recently that could really exploit its weaknesses and challenge its dominance over the world on the basis of an alternate ideology.

Despite American dominance, Europe also keeps waiting for opportunities to harm American interests. America always used the UN Security Council to pass resolutions according to its own interests and plans, whether it be a matter of imposing sanctions on a country or attacking it, but in 2003, France and Germany managed to influence the Security Council against supporting America in its plans to attack Iraq. France in particular, launched a strong campaign and exposed America internationally as a state that violates international law. So America appeared as an arrogant state that follows the path of unjust and brutal force and breaks international law, instead of being seen as the protector of law. Thus America's true face was further exposed.

From another angle, we see that although the US uses NATO for its own interests, but some European countries at times try to thwart American plans by using the same NATO platform. They, at some important occasions, withdraw their soldiers from different fronts, or decrease their numbers, or sometimes do not send their soldiers at all. In the war against Iraq, no European country participated physically besides Britain. Against Afghanistan, although Europe participated actively in the beginning through NATO, in the last few years Europe's support, as well as the number of its troops, have declined considerably.

Many countries simply refused to send their soldiers by using the excuse of their parliaments refusing consent to join in the American war. There are a few European countries, including Britain, that get their troops stationed at those Afghani provinces or districts where the resistance factor is not so strong, so as to avoid the loss of their soldiers. That's why in the most dangerous areas of Afghanistan, there are the American troops mostly who face a severe and bloody resistance from Taliban and one can see that the casualties of American soldiers in this war are a lot higher, as compared to NATO forces.

It is also observed that Europe tried to raise problems for America in its election year. It is a well-known fact that no American governments want to be entangled in any controversy in their election year and become quite vulnerable. They do not want any issue to hurt their image in the coming elections. This situation gives some European countries an opportunity to exploit America's weakness and through different steps, they try to pressurize the American governments.

All this discussion so far, clearly exposes the reality of these European upholders of a corrupt and false ideology. These European countries, although belong to one religion but believe in an ideology that only promotes among them greed and a continuous struggle to pocket maximum material benefits. They even develop relations with each other only on the basis of these material benefits. To gain benefits they, never hesitate even to chop each other's roots. Their hearts and minds collide and they are not sincere with each other. With the help of their ideology based on oppression and human exploitation, they seek to chain the whole world for the moment. The Capitalist ideology has failed to give humanity the solutions of its problems and weakened these countries too.

The matter that is lacking and required today is a state that would come into existence on the basis of a true ideology and exploit the weaknesses of these oppressive countries to render them ineffective, with the help of deep political insight. Today, this world desperately needs an Islamic Caliphate state that will guide the humanity from the darkness of Kufr towards the light of Islam. Looking closely into the internal differences of these European countries and their system that plunges them into crisis repeatedly, it seems as if the circumstances favoring the re-establishment of the Caliphate arisen. Many thinkers and intellectuals of Europe and America, along with their people, are found writing and protesting against the drawbacks and corruption of their capitalist system. At the same time, unfortunately, they are compelled to find solutions of their problems within the same system as there is no other ideology in the world that could guide them to the right direction. But, inshaaAllah, with the re-establishment of the Caliphate, with Pakistan or another strong state of groups of states as its starting point, with its leadership and thousands of trained Islamic politicians through mature political insight and guidance granted by Islam are ready to initiate measures to bring about the inevitable collapse of Capitalism rapidly and establish the dominance of Islam.

The Caliphate, soon after its re-establishment, shall expose the corrupt thinking of Capitalism regarding the people of the world, with the help of a strong media and its Shabab spread all over the globe, whether it be the Middle East, Europe, America or anywhere else. The Caliphate will also show the world a true picture of the Islamic State and the fruits and prosperity in it achieved by the implementation of Islamic laws and systems. This will surely on one hand create awareness among the people of the world and on the other hand, infuse hatred against their own Capitalist system. It will not be the first time in recent history. Before this, the USSR, being an ideological state did exactly the same thing, though its own ideology is also false.

The propaganda against Capitalism launched by the USSR finally forced the capitalist countries to add the patchwork of the concept of a welfare state in their ideology. It was necessary to keep their people content, as they were being addressed and influenced by the communist propaganda.

The Caliphate, according to the directions of Islam and as a corner stone of its foreign policy, will speed up the process of annexing other Muslim lands, along with ensuring the consolidation of the state. In this process, the public opinion in favor of Islam that already exists and the Muslims of the Middle East and the Central Asian states will be very helpful. Both these regions are rich with unlimited oil and gas reserves. The Caliphate after annexing the countries of these regions will directly possess these reserves. This possession will give the Caliphate a tremendous material advantage over other countries of the world, which will be used to further Islam. The Caliphate will also have an option to provide oil and gas to those countries, including some of the European ones, that are not in a state of war with the Muslims. This special favor to these countries will be helpful in separating them from the American sphere and the European bloc. It will also help these countries to get rid of the American oppressive dominance, creating an opportunity for the dominance of Islam. For this purpose, Caliphate is also able to make short-term agreements with these states. Using the card of these resources to achieve some objectives is not unprecedented. Russia, no longer being an ideological state today, did it successfully when European countries found themselves helpless against Russian aggression in Georgia and Ukraine as they are dependent on Russia for their gas needs.

The Caliphate as well as having the true ideology, will have immense material resources. Thus there seems to be little likelihood that either America or European larger countries could stand directly in front of the Islamic state to counter its expansion policy. But even if they try to do so at some stage, the Caliphate will be ready to cope with this by developing its heavy industry linked with the military advancements at a fast pace. The highly trained professional armed forces with the love of Jihad that already exists in the hearts of our soldiers will add further to the strength of Caliphate.

It is only the Caliphate that will put the dominance of Dollar over the entire world to an end, as it will adopt the currency based on the gold and silver standard. Only this currency based on gold and silver can dry up the demand for the Dollar practically. This world knows very well that the real currency is gold and silver, not the paper currency. The practical implementation of this currency, particularly in an ever-expanding Caliphates and those states that enter into treaty with it, will deliver a severe blow to the American Dollar hegemony.

Consequently, it will undermine American influence in the world. Apart from these steps, several other measures will be taken to exploit American weaknesses, particularly fanning the desire of separation from the federation within the thirty disenchanted American states. Even if this process goes slow, it will be helpful in pushing America on the back foot, diverting its focus from foreign fronts to internal issues.

Additionally, there are many American military bases on different Muslim lands that ensure its dominance across the Muslim world; but once the Caliphate starts annexing these lands after its re-establishment, there will be no more American bases in these areas. InshaaAllah, the loss of these bases in such a humiliating way at the hands of Caliphate will put the American dominance and control over the world into reverse gear. This annexation will also enable the Caliphate to control many sea routes of the world which will give the Caliphate further strength, as these routes are very important for the world regarding its trade and oil supply.

Another policy that can be pursued by the Caliphate is to give loans on soft conditions or provide aid to non-belligerent non-Muslim poor countries, such as those found in Latin America, to free them from the shackles of IMF, World Bank and America. The Caliphate can develop cordial relations with them and arouse among them the feelings of amity for the Islamic state. It will also help in severing these countries from the upholders of Capitalism, America and the dominant states within Europe.

All these steps, demand exceptional political insight and awareness. However, we know that the leadership of the future Caliphate is equipped with these features achieved on the basis of Islam. Thousands of the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir, trained politically as well as intellectually under this leadership, are waiting anxiously to shine upon the whole world with the light of Islam and guide it to the way of eternal success. May Allah be the Helper and Protector of this leadership and all of us and bless us with Nussrah for the establishment of the Caliphate soon! Ameen!


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Kamran Sheikh, Pakistan


Democratic Politics is the Cause of Gross Neglect by the Regime Whilst 115 Die in Torrential Rains in Pakistan

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The death toll reached 115, due to flooding after recent heavy rain in parts of Pakistan's provinces of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (KPK), with others injured. Most of the deaths were caused by roof collapses, landslides and electric shocks. A number of cities received over 130mm of rain. Pakistan's meteorological office issued a severe weather warning for northeast Punjab and Kashmir, saying more intense rain was expected which could trigger flash flooding.

Heavy rain and floods are a regular, yearly occurrence in Pakistan. Yet, the Democratic regimes fail to arrange adequate measures to save human life every year. Pakistan has suffered deadly monsoon floods for at least the last four years - in 2013, 178 people were killed and around 1.5 million affected by flooding around the country. In 2012, 520 people were killed and more than 1,180 people were injured.  The floods of 2010 were the worst in Pakistan's history, with 1,800 people killed and 21 million affected in what became a major humanitarian crisis. For the past three years, Pakistan has topped the list of the Global Climate Risk Index produced by German watch, an NGO that works on global equity issues. In 2010, Pakistan was listed as the number one country in the world affected by climate related disasters, due to the massive flooding that hit the country; in 2011 it was ranked as number three.

Despite the history of floods in past four years, no adequate measures can be seen practically. The NCCP (National Climate Change Policy) that was launched in the aftermath of previous floods in response to public anger has now been shelved. Shortly after coming to power in May 2013 general elections, the PML(N)-led government demoted the Ministry of Climate Change to a Division and slashed its budget, as the issue was no longer under public scrutiny.

In the current tragedy, it took days for the Prime Minister to be briefed on the destruction caused by rains and flooding. Despite the delayed briefing premier issued a mere directive, saying that all major national highways, which have been cut off due to heavy rains, should be cleared in order to ensure that relief work can continue at a quick pace. He further directed the NDMA to assess the extent of damage. However, what it has done with saving more lives? More floods are expected. Yet, the premier is clearing the highways as they were cleared in the 2010 floods to ensure that the supply of weapons, pork and wine to the NATO occupying forces in Afghanistan are uninterrupted.

While the people of Pakistan are being killed, the government and the opposition busy in the political circus, attending their marches cum street festivals or applauding at empty speeches in the assembly and playing the same blame game as witnessed in past. So, in September 2012, when a Tribune report disclosed at least 78 rain and flood related deaths across the country, Imran Khan's PTI criticized the PML-N Punjab government for not issuing a flood warning and that only Rs 6 billion funds have been allocated. In the mid-August, 2014 when heavy rains killed at least 16 people and injured more than 80 others in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (KPK), the Chief Minister of KPK, Pervaiz Khatak, was busy dancing on the container of Azaadi (Independence) March, he was condemned by many circles, including those of the ruling PML-N. Under Democracy, politicians are like the Emperor Nero, playing on instruments as the city burns down.

Democratic government, federal or provincial, fails to look after the affairs of the people as they deserve. Democratic politicians, government or opposition, flagrantly neglect the people. The failure of successive Democratic governments in securing human life is due to the nature of Democracy itself.  Democracy is not to look after the affairs of the people, it is only to look after the affairs of a political elite. Wherever democracy exists, neglect and exploitation of the people by the few elite will always occur. In Western democracies, the richest people are those with access to political power in democracy, either directly or through sponsorship of politicians. The concentration of wealth in these hands is legalized through man made legislation under Democracy. The slow and inept response which incited the anger of the people can be seen in many natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina. At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods, making it the deadliest US. hurricane since the 1928; total property damage was estimated at $108 billion (2005 USD). In a Congressional investigation of the responses from federal, state and local governments, it was found that FEMA and the Red Cross "did not have a logistics capacity sophisticated enough to fully support the massive number of Gulf coast victims." It placed responsibility for the disaster on all three levels of government. A concert for Hurricane Relief was organized in the US, where the proceedings of the concert were for victims of the hurricane, whereby the musician Kanye West veered off script and harshly criticized the government's response to the crisis, stating that, "George Bush doesn't care about black people". This is the reality of politics in democracy where politicians just care to secure another term for themselves, to gain more and more personal benefit, rather than looking after the affairs of the people.

This inbuilt neglect is the reason that Democracy attracts the ruthless, cunning and greedy. Among the precepts of politics espoused by Machiavelli in his famous book, "The Prince", "leaders should always mask their true intentions, avoid inconsistency, and frequently act against mercy, against faith, against humanity, against frankness, against religion in order to preserve the state." James Johnson, a CAS associate Professor of History, recipient of a 1996 Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching was once asked, "What do you think Machiavelli would make of contemporary American politics?" He replied, "He would smile that famous inscrutable smile of his, as if to say, 'This looks familiar'."  Philip Bobbitt, the author of The Shield of Achilles, War, Peace and the Course of History among other notable books, and himself a constitutional lawyer wrote that "Machiavelli is the ‘spiritual forefather' of the US constitution."

If this is the situation of the Washington masters of the regime, what can we expect from their agents in Pakistan. The Punjab government under the leadership of Shahbaz Sharif, the younger brother of the current prime minister, completed the Metro Bus project in 2012 just in 11 months. This project benefited his personal construction interests and was used for his election campaign. Yet, no construction of flood proof emergency dwellings have been made in all that time. Regarding the drainage system a WASA official declared, "In December, WASA sent necessary maps and drawings and data on the water and sanitation system to Turkish experts to suggest improvement in the system." The Turkish officials suggested WASA to specify canals to drain sewage and rainwater separately, so that they did not choke during rains. They had also suggested the construction of new canals as per needs besides urging WASA not to rely on the decades-old combined sewerage system. They also asked WASA to install water treatment plants in the city to be used for irrigation, rather than diverting it to the rivers. They also stressed on educating people to dispose of domestic waste properly rather than letting it flow on roads and streets. The suggestions were never taken up for consideration.

Islam has made politics as looking after the affairs of the Ummah and an obligation. Failure renders the ruler accountable on the Day of Judgment. RasulAllah (saw) said,

كانت بنو إسرائيل تسوسهم الأنبياء، كلما هلك نبي خلفه نبي، وأنه لا نبي بعدي، وستكون خلفاء فتكثر، قالوا: فما تأمرنا ؟ قال: فوا ببيعة الأول فالأول، وأعطوهم حقهم فإن الله سائلهم عما استرعاهم

‘The Prophets ruled over the children of Israel, whenever a prophet died another Prophet succeeded him, but there will be no Prophet after me. There will soon be Khulafaa' and they will number many.' They asked: ‘what then do you order us?' He said: ‘Fulfil the Bai'ah to them, one after the other and give them their dues for Allah will verily account them about what he entrusted them with.'" [Muslim].

And he (saw) said,

كُلُّكُمْ رَاعٍ وَكُلُّكُمْ مَسْئُولٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِهِ فَالْإِمَامُ الَّذِي عَلَى النَّاسِ رَاعٍ وَهُوَ مَسْئُولٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِهِ وَالرَّجُلُ رَاعٍ عَلَى أَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ وَهُوَ مَسْئُولٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِهِ وَالْمَرْأَةُ رَاعِيَةٌ عَلَى أَهْلِ بَيْتِ زَوْجِهَا وَوَلَدِهِ وَهِيَ مَسْئُولَةٌ عَنْهُمْ وَعَبْدُ الرَّجُلِ رَاعٍ عَلَى مَالِ سَيِّدِهِ وَهُوَ مَسْئُولٌ عَنْهُ أَلَا فَكُلُّكُمْ رَاعٍ وَكُلُّكُمْ مَسْئُولٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِهِ

"Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of the people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects: a man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for his subjects, a woman is the guardian of her husband's home and of his children and is responsible for them, and the slave of a man is a guardian of his master's property and is responsible for it. Surely, everyone of you is a shepherd and responsible for his responsibility." [Muslim]. Aisha (ra) narrated

سَمِعْتُ مِنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ فِي بَيْتِي هَذَا «اللَّهُمَّ مَنْ وَلِيَ مِنْ أَمْرِ أُمَّتِي شَيْئًا فَشَقَّ عَلَيْهِمْ فَاشْقُقْ عَلَيْهِ وَمَنْ وَلِيَ مِنْ أَمْرِ أُمَّتِي شَيْئًا فَرَفَقَ بِهِمْ فَارْفُقْ بِهِ

"I heard The Messenger of Allah say in my house that, O Allah! Be harsh with the one who is charged with the affairs of the Muslims and is harsh on them, and Allah be gentle with the one who is charged with the affairs of the Muslims and is gentle on them." [Sahih Muslim]. And RasulAllah (saw) said,

«مَا مِنْ وَالٍ يَلِي رَعِيَّةً مِنْ الْمُسْلِمِينَ فَيَمُوتُ وَهُوَ غَاشٌّ لَهُمْ إِلَّا حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ الْجَنَّةَ»

"There is no Wali who takes charge of Muslims and dies cheating them, except that Allah prohibits him paradise." [Bukhari].

Thus we see, the politicians in Islam keep looking after the affairs of the Ummah. Umar (ra) when charged with ruling said, "If an animal, in the land of Iraq trips, I would be afraid that Allah (swt) would account me, for not fixing the road for it." When floods struck Makkah after the passing of RasulAllah (saw), Umar (ra) ordered the construction of two dams to protect the Kaaba and also constructed a dam near Medina to protect its fountains from flooding, thus resolving the devastation from flood from it very basis. Also, during a famine, Umar ibn al-Khattab ordered the construction of a canal in Egypt connecting the Nile with the sea. The purpose of the canal was to facilitate the transport of grain to Arabia through a sea-route, hitherto transported only by land. The canal was constructed within a year by 'Amr ibn al-'As, and Suleman Nadvi may Allah have mercy on him wrote, "Arabia was rid of famine for all the times to come."

In conclusion, Democracy produces politicians who care only for their personal benefits whilst in public office, and care about the public only to the level of being re-elected. The only solution for problems faced by the Muslims today lies in the abolition of Democracy and the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate". The sincere and aware politicians who are working for the Khilafah "Caliphate" today will then provide a strong environment for a generation of sincere statesman, who will be creative and capable in looking after the affairs of the Ummah.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Engineer Saham, Pakistan


Pakistan's Armed Forces Must Grant Nussrah to Establish the Khilafah, Rather Than Support Democracy

Throughout the lengthy, disruptive and violent standoff between the PML-N and PTI, America repeatedly stressed support for Democracy. In the build up to the crisis, the US Ambassador busily met the different factions, underlining that America will only accept change according to the constitution under Democracy. Then, as the crisis began to deepen,


Hizb ut Tahrir Holds Public Address across Pakistan Real Change is by the Armed Forces Granting Nussrah for Establishing Khilafah

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Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Pakistan is holding a campaign of public addresses across Pakistan, exposing the circus of democracy and dictatorship which has ruined Pakistan. Addressing people at masajid, market places and other public places, speakers said that the current political parties, whether they are in ruling or in opposition, have been exposed as supports for the current Kufr system left by the British Raj.


Britain: Khilafah Conference - West London

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A report of the first conference of the series of Khilafah "Caliphate" conferences in the UK with the title:

Gaza-Iraq-Syria Our Role In Shaping The Ummah's Future Khilafah "Caliphate" Conference

Sunday 31st August 2014

West London Saffron Dor Centre
447 Lady Margaret Rd, 
Southall - UB1 2QB







12:00 PM DOORS OPEN 12:15 PM 

1:00 PM - TALK 1:

1:15 PM - TALK 2:

1:30 PM - DHUR

2:00 PM - TALK 3:

2:20 PM - TALK 4:


2:50 PM - TALK 5:

3:00 PM - TALK 6:

3:15 PM - TALK 7:

3:30 PM - TALK 8:

3:40 PM - TALK 9:

3:45 PM - Q&A & FOOD

4:30 PM - DU'A & CLOSE


Australia: 'Anti-terror' Laws FAQs in Muslim Community Uthman Badar

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What are the anti-terror laws? What are the new proposals?

What do they mean for Muslims in Australia?

Why is the government meeting with Muslim leaders?

How should we respond?

These and more FAQs in the Muslim community about these new proposals answered in this short video.

September, 2014 CE


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