Tuesday, 28 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/01
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Boom & Bust Cycle is Inevitable in Capitalism

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All praises are due to Allah (swt) and Peace be upon Rasul Allah (saw), to his family and his Companions (ra) and those who followed,

Before going into the details of today's topic, we need to reflect on how we should view the economic related topics. Some people only discuss economic matters because they are interested in the topic. Some people look at economic matters from a learning point of view also. Some people with carelessness say that what we are going to get by discussing this, or that "you people have made Islam complicated". As a Muslim and a caller to Islam, we look at the economic matters from the viewpoint of Islam and the Islamic Aqeedah. We see that at the time of Rasul Allah (saw), the nobles of Makkah were rich and had a complete monopoly on trade. They had established a system trade through caravans. A big share of their trade was composed of extortion gained through cheating the pilgrims. Allah (swt) revealed in the Quran regarding their fraudulent practices,

((وَيْلٌ لِلْمُطَفِّفِينَ * الَّذِينَ إِذَا اكْتَالُوا عَلَى النَّاسِ يَسْتَوْفُونَ * وَإِذَا كَالُوهُمْ أَوْ وَزَنُوهُمْ يُخْسِرُونَ))

"Woe to Al Mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)], those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure, and when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less then due." [Surah Al-Mutaffifin 83: 1-3]

In a similar manner today, we need to understand the Western Capitalist system and its economic basis. We need to expose how it has failed to solve the economic problems of the humanity. We need to present our alternative, the Islamic economic system. To understand the causes and effects of economic crises within the Capitalist system, we need to look at its reality in connection with other economic crises. Then, we could understand how these economic crises originated and quickly spread.

It is a routine within the Capitalist system to have periodic economic crises. They are part of what is called the "Boom & Bust Cycle". According to the IMF, during the past thirty years there have been over a hundred economic crises in the world. Some economic crises are so extreme that they shake the foundations of the capitalistic economic order. Amongst these severe crises is the recent American economic crisis which effects are still present in the world today.

Since the inception of the Capitalist system, severe economic crises occur again and again. Their close observation reveals three shared characteristics in them:

1. Economic crises originate from Stock Markets, Banks, and Financial Institutions and then they spread across all economic activities whether financial or growth related.

2. The effects of the major economic crises are global. Due to globalisation, it does not take long for economic crises to strangle the whole world.

3. They occur suddenly, without warning. No one talks about them before their origination. However, once they are originated then everyone starts talking about the extent, lasting effects, and other matters.

So, we come to the question as to the causes of the Boom & Bust Cycle. The Capitalist system takes humans from the submission of Allah (swt) to the slavery of mankind. The purpose of human life becomes the satisfaction of physical desires. Benefit becomes the criterion to perform actions. The action which is beneficial is conducted irrespective of how harmful it is for others. The Capitalists consider that the economic problem is the scarcity of resources and services to fulfil unlimited needs. Therefore, their complete focus stays on the increase of growth. They leave the distribution of wealth to the price mechanism, so whoever has money can buy bread and eat it, and whoever does not have, dies out of hunger.

In the view of Capitalists, individual freedom is most important, one can buy whatever he wants and the state will not intervene in this matter. Banking system, interest-based business, stocks and shares, derivatives, futures and insurance have come from the concept of freedom of ownership. This results in a race to accumulate wealth through rate fixing, rumour and other illegal practices. To take our discussion forward, if we deeply reflect upon the Boom & Bust Cycle then we get to know that it is specific to Capitalism. As Capitalism stresses on the production of good and their consumption, it ensures that what is being produced is also brought. It takes care that whatever is being produced also has demand, so that it is bought and the capitalist elite can profit from it. Let us analyse the background of the 1923 Great Depression, a huge bust.

After the First World War, America adopted the policy of isolation and cut itself off from the rest of the world. It focused its complete attention on the fulfilment of the "American Dream," according to which every American should have all the amenities for life and live life happily. To achieve this, President Herbert Clark Hoover initiated the setting up of many factories, mills and development activities. However, the problem was that if the people did not buy the goods, then how would the factories and mills make profit? They would produce more which will result in more profit. However, if the people did not buy what was manufactured, then the whole investment will be wasted. To solve this dilemma, the Capitalists created a demand through various marketing methods. An American lifestyle arose where man strives to buy luxury goods irrespective of whether he has money or not. If he does not have money then he takes loan on interest from the banks. Without expensive luxuries, he feels incomplete and backward in society and becomes a victim of sense of deprivation.

During this period, the casino of stock market became much stronger. The people started to see that stock market trading could be an easy and quick way to earn wealth. They had become accustomed to this luxurious lifestyle, where greed and love for wealth had seeped into their hearts. Their luxurious needs grew to the point they could not be satisfied. Taking loans on interest from the banks had become a norm. People in large numbers then took interest-based loans from the banks and invested in the casino of the stock markets. This situation was as fragile as a house of cards, waiting to collapse. Finally, the day came when on 27th October 1929, the stock markets crashed and within a day there was an 87% decline.

So, the 1923 Great Depression was the consequence of the Boom and Bust. At the beginning of the decade of the 1920s, everything seemed good because growth was happening and development work was progressing, stock markets were also rising sharply and the standard of living of a common man improved rapidly. However, this ‘Boom' was based on the interest-based loans, with the bubble of the stock markets swelling until it burst. The ‘Bust' was such that the American would stand in a queue for hours to get the bread to eat two times a day. Their situation had become worse than beggars. For the next whole decade, America kept trying to come out of this great depression, without notable success. Then in 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, it proved for America to be a blessing. Ending isolation, America participated in the Second World War and a substantial weapons industry was established. The one-third of Americans who were unemployed for a decade found employment and in economic activity resumed, including the buying and selling of war bonds.

After the end of the Second World War, the American economy was standing on strong industrial basis. However, then America started to outsource all their factories and mills to countries which had cheap labour available. 80% of American factories and mills moved to China, Japan, Korea, Mexico and various Third World countries where America ordered the goods to be manufactured. It then bought the finished good which meant that its trade deficit increased rapidly, as it was importing more and exporting less. To substitute these factories and mills, America turned its attention to the Hi-Tech industry in which America manufactured aerospace, computers, telecommunications and similar goods. It either did not commonly share the technology with anyone or transferred it after setting restrictive conditions. However, irrespective of this, the Hi-Tech industry does not have enough breadth to offer widespread employment, as the workers needed more skills.

Today, America's reliance is more on the service industry, which is 65% of American economy, whereas 15% of the American economy is based on insurance companies, banks, stock markets and other financial markets. These matters are interconnected through the vast mortgage loan market. People seek loans from the banks to acquire houses, they get their houses insured and then chasing the American lifestyle, they purchase appliances and furniture from retail stores which are local, but are made in factories abroad. In addition, after 1950, the capitalists invented another form of loans, the credit card. People were convinced that they can purchase whatever they want and then can repay it in instalments.

Initially people were reluctant to use it and preferred to save and then buy. The credit cards were then introduced as shopping cards. The target consumers were women because housewives went shopping for appliances but were reliant on cash from their husbands. Through shopping credit cards, they were more relaxed in spending during shopping. With time, the popularity of credit cards increased rapidly. Today it has become an essential element of the Western lifestyle. In 1940, 44% of Americans had entered the housing market, in 1960 this figure rose to 62% and now it is 70%. It was the sub-prime mortgage market, loans for houses to the poorer people that became the epicentre for the recent global crisis. Financial institutions took loans from others, then sold these on higher interest rate further adding fragility which led to a huge crash. It is not surprising as most of the American economy relies on Americans purchasing houses on interest-based loans from banks, getting them insured and household goods. Today, the situation is such that the loans of many Americans are more than their total assets, whereas as the debt in the whole American economy is seven times more than the actual American wealth.

Why does America insist on a debt driven economy? Interest-based loans created both the Boom during the Twenties of the Twentieth Century, but then caused the Bust of 1929, which persisted throughout the Thirties.

Yet, why did America not learn lessons from history and is repeating the same mistake? The reason is the false doctrine of the ideology to which they adhere to, Capitalism. Capitalism takes humans away from the slavery of Allah (swt) to the slavery of oneself and one's desires. In Capitalism, the purpose and pursuit of life is the satisfaction of sensual pleasures. This concept makes humans greedy and this was the greed which forced the Americans to pursue the American dream. It is this greed which persuaded the grey suited men, the large scale capitalists, to develop banking and financial markets to exploit this dream for themselves.

As for the financial institutions that are issuing loans and are continuing to do so, can they not see this situation? They are aware of the situation but the wealth accrued from interest rates has blinded them. They do not even think that the wealth compared to the loans they have issued is not even available in the market. It is as if they expect that when people will return their loans the wealth will automatically be created from out of thin air. This has become virtually true in the form of Fiat currency, which is not backed upon real wealth such as gold or silver, but on the government's promise to pay.

More and more money is printed as the government issues treasury bonds, feeding more debt into a collapsing system. Due to the influence of the grey suited men upon the government, these financial institutions are bailed out by the American government and their greed is rewarded. In 2008, these financial institutions were saved from bankruptcy by giving them $1700 Billion from the public's funds. They thanked the public by resuming their exploitation with increased ferocity, like a pack of hungry wolves.

Despite all the destruction, the West calls the rest of the world to Capitalism. Its example is that of the rat in a sewer that cannot conceive of a better. About these kinds of people, Allah (swt) says:

((لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا))

"They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth)." [Surah Al-Aaraf 7:179]

Western capitalists also have a problem that they compare their sick and disabled system with the system which died recently, Communism. They content themselves by saying that their system, though has chronic diseases, but at least it is still alive. However, if they use their mind then they can come to the system revealed by the Creator which not only was implemented for 1300 years and but also gave economic stability to humanity. It prevented economic crises and today it can take the humanity out of its misery and grant welfare, prosperity and economic stability.

Only the Islamic Economic System can save humanity from the Boom and Bust cycle and economic recessions. The Islamic Economic System and its details are referenced in the vast culture of Hizb ut Tahrir. Here, only a brief reference of it is being presented:

1. Economic Policy of Islam: The economic policy of Islam mandates on the state that people's basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter are fulfilled in any case and to provide more and more opportunities for them to enjoy the luxuries of life as per their own capabilities. It does not accept the concept of scarcity of resources as there are enough resources to secure the basic needs, but never enough to fulfil the endless pursuit of luxuries.

2. Islam's viewpoint regarding wealth: There are normally three purposes of wealth - saving, spending or investment, and its transfer - and then the Shariah through detailed rulings have addressed these three objectives in a way that not only an individual benefits, but the whole society benefits from it.

3. Currency in the Khilafah "Caliphate": Rather than adopting Fiat currency, Shariah has decreed Gold and Silver as the basis of the currency. This abolishes inflation from its root.

4. Prohibition of Interest: About the prohibition of the Interest, clear and definite rulings exists in the Shariah sources. If any sensible person who looks at these economic crisis in depth, he will conclude that a major factor for the economic chaos in the world is interest-based loans. Capitalists have noted that if in the society the economic activity and liquidity needs be created, then the interest rate needs to be reduced as much as possible. The reality is that the interest brings economic stagnation in the market, because people, instead of investing in their business or making investments, keep their money in the banks so that they get a fixed amount of money through interest. In Islam, through the prohibition of interest, people spend their wealth in trading, industry and agriculture, which increases the growth and economic activities are created and wealth circulated.

5. Circulation of Wealth and Definitions of Ownership: There are three types of ownership in Islam - State Property, Public property, and Private Property. Shariah has given clear rulings about it which organises the distribution of wealth. Whereas in capitalism, individual freedom leads to a few depriving both the state and public of immense resources by rampant privatization.

6. Islam's view on stock markets and related financial markets: Stock markets are part of an artificial economy which has no relevance to the production and distribution of real goods and services. Instead, this business is only based on speculation and gambling. They contribute to and worsen the crises.

This is a brief overview of the Islamic Economic System gives an insight into a tried and tested alternative to Capitalism. Under Islam, economic activities will thrive, businesses will grow, employment opportunities will become available, and economic prosperity will occur.

However, all this is possible when the Khilafah "Caliphate" will be established on the ideology of Islam, which will implement Islam, taking humanity from the darkness of injustice and oppression to the light of truth and guidance. Allah (swt) said,

((فَإِمَّا يَأْتِيَنَّكُمْ مِنِّي هُدًى فَمَنْ اتَّبَعَ هُدَايَ فَلاَ يَضِلُّ وَلاَ يَشْقَى * وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَنْ ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا))

"Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follow My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into distress or misery. But whoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e, neither believes in t his Quran nor acts on its orders etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship." [Surah Taha 20:123-124]


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Munib ur-Rahman, Karachi, Pakistan


America and the world do not care about the blood of Muslims and the killing of civilians by explosive barrels!

Since August 2012, when barrel bombs were first used by the murderous regime of Bashar Al Assad, from that time tools of death and destruction carried by these barrels has been rained down upon civilians. Barrel bombs are cheap compared to other bombs and rockets, and easy weapons of terror for government forces, and are simply thrown out of helicopters to cause indiscriminate terror and death to civilian populations below.


Tunisia: Protest rejecting the Conference "Invest in Tunisia, Emerging Democracy"

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Hizb ut Tahrir / Tunisia Protest rejecting the Conference "Invest in Tunisia, Emerging Democracy," held in the suburb of Gammarth under the supervision of France and America, which will be to show what the rest of the country for sale at public auction of an international presence of the imperialist Western States, and international intelligence organizations, like the American Development (USAID ) expelled from many countries in the world in addition to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Monday 13 Dhul Qiddah 1435 AH, corresponding to 08 September 2014 CE





Ummah's Minbar: The Islamic Ummah's Message to the Muslim Armies Dhul Qiddah 1435 AH - September 2014 CE

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Disclaimer: "Ummah's Minbar" is a designated channel that airs selected Khilafah "Caliphate" recordings prepared by the people of our Ummah. The recordings are not issued by Hizb ut Tahrir or any of its official sections; rather they are recordings from the people of our Islamic Ummah; which are published on our site to publish the goodness for Islam and Muslims.


Press Release Manmade Laws Have Turned Prison into a Breeding Ground of Criminals! (Translated)

On Thursday (Aug 28) when few families were returning home from a wedding ceremony at Paghman district, a few armed men wearing police uniforms stopped them. They took both men and women to a place away from the road and gang-raped the women in front of their male family members. Police claimed to have arrested seven of them and have said that according to the arrested criminals they were eight in number, one of them are still missing. In addition to rape, they took the gold that those women were wearing and money.

Police Chief General Zahir Zahir said, "Among these arrested convicts few of them were also arrested before for committing serious crimes".

It's not the only tragic incident that has disturbed the people of Afghanistan rather such tragedies happens on a daily basis and the culprits are not receiving the real punishments, they often are set free by the judges at the session court, High Court of Supreme Court by taking heavy bribes or receiving a telephone call from someone powerful. Unfortunately these institutions that people look up to for justice have changed into bribery centers and prisons changed into producing professional criminals.

This has now been proven to the entire Muslim Ummah that these subservient rulers, Democracy and the manmade laws are the prime reasons of corruption and miseries. However, the Ummah has realized its façade, fraudulent nature and is rising up to change it.

Hizb ut Tahrir is striving day and night to bring the Ummah and its energies under its sincere leadership in order to resume the Islamic way of life by establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah. Only Islam and its ruling system Khilafah "Caliphate" will put an end to such shocking and heinous crimes, as well as will eradicate corruption, foreign invasions, killings and looting by the powerful criminal elites. The Khilafah "Caliphate" State will give exemplary punishments to professional criminals, so that to cleanse society of such shameful and monstrous crimes and criminals, unlike the present three-fold judicial system that paves way for crimes by accepting bribes and the law being only for the weak and poor.


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Afghanistan


Press Release The Recommendation for Salary Increase is Political Greed

Despite the hard living conditions facing the citizens, the senators want to pocket for themselves 2.4m each month. They have also proposed offering more money to purchase luxurious cars. We from the Islamic political party Hizb ut Tahrir/ East Africa, strongly condemn and disapprove this move and would like to emphasize:

This proposal elucidates the greedy reputations of democratic politicians who always regard politics as a money-generating project!

This greed does not commence from the senators only. They in fact follow the footsteps of the members of parliament as witnessed last year when the legislators along with the senators, increased their allowances despite strong opposition from the citizens against that move. Sadly, some of the areas that are being represented by the senators are facing strikes from health workers who wail to be paid their basic salaries not increment! Hence democratic politics are only meant to cater for the few in reign. This alone exposes the innate colossal weakness of the democratic politics which is to mix politics with money, a move that hugely contributed to the lack of incentives to those who are democratically elected from devotedly serving their citizens contrary to what they usually rave during the democratic elections, in the real sense their sole agenda is to enrich themselves. This is contrary to the politics in Islam, where the leaders and politicians are basically compelled to serve their citizens and satisfy their benefits.

This move automatically inflicts more sufferings to the Kenyans half of whom live below one dollar per day.

Commiserating, the same citizens are the ones who are overburdened by the heavy load of taxes which finally end up in the pockets of politicians! This is the quiddity of politicians who follow the capitalist ideology who are used to wringing citizens by imposing upon them heavy levies as is well known to the capitalists' economists that 90% of the government income comes from levying taxes upon citizens! On the other hand, Islam has clearly stipulated its own unique of generating income, that does not heavily rely on taxation. Should the need arises, and then just a small percentage is imposed upon those who can afford to pay.

We say that the Islamic ideology is the only one ideology expected to produce sincere politicians who when in power are compulsorily obliged to serve the citizens and not to increase salaries.

For example, in the Khilafah "Caliphate" ruling system [Islamic ruling system], the Khalifah [the Islamic Ruler] does not receive a paid salary, rather is given provisions to cater for his basic domestic needs to enable him to deal effectively with the responsibilities of governing as he is not regarded as an employee as is the case with the leaders of all democratic countries. This elucidates how Islam wants of the rulers to be compassionate towards their citizens whom they rule and not oppress them as is the norm under the yoke of capitalism democracy worldwide.


Shabani Mwalimu
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir
in East Africa

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