Monday, 27 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/30
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Commentary on the Statements of the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs, Lodewijk Asscher About the Expulsion of Imams who Preach Hatred

On Monday, 25/08/2014 the Associated Press conducted an interview with the Minister of Social Affairs, of the Labour party, Lodewijk Asscher. In the interview, the minister said that, "he will and in collaboration with another minister named Obstelin provide a plan that stops granting entry visas to the Netherlands to malicious imams who harbor evil for the Netherlands".


Delegation from Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan Met Both The Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Centrist Party and the Economist (Kebeg)

In the framework of the meetings of the Central Communications Committee of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan with political parties and influential figures in the political and economic milieu, a delegation from Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan led by Mr. Nasser Ridha - Head of the Central Communications Committee, accompanied by Mr. Abdullah Hussein - Member of the Committee, and Mr. Issam Ateem - Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan...


A Call to the Fighter Organizations and the Clans in Iraq and Ash-Sham: Stop the Infighting amongst Yourselves Since America Exploits your Battling to Intervene Militarily in your Country (Translated)

Events in Iraq and Syria have accelerated, and accelerated with it Obama's remarks on 18/08/2014, and the remarks of his Defense Secretary Hegel and the Chief of Staff Dempsey, at the press conference on 22/08/2014, about Obama's long-term strategy for military intervention in the region... and about the direction to create an international coalition that supports military intervention by America... All this after declared demands appeared by some of the people of the region, politicians and military personnel, for the American intervention for rescue! America has already begun aerial intervention in Iraq... The Syrian Coalition on 16/08/2014 has insisted on American intervention in Syria, following the example of intervention in Iraq, and admonishingly addressed or beseeching it for why it practices double standards; intervening in Iraq but not in Syria!

America; that the Muslims and the people of the region spat out after they had lived its brutal aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq, and its drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen, yet the best of their best pleads rather implores their military intervention by choice and willingness. Indeed this is a domineering evil over the evil of its repressive and forced intervention. Thus, to be attacked by a snake and you fend it off is a thousand times better than to bring the snake with your own hands into your home to kill you, your children and everyone else in the house! As though those who seek light from the fire of America have hazed eyes, deaf ears, and blinded vision!

But what prompted the time and place for such dissonant events? And what made what America sought, what it planned of plots, and what it wanted from the intervention... what made all that to be demanded by some of the people of the region, they declare it without modesty or shame? The observer in that sees that America took advantage of the fighting between the revolting movements in Syria and Iraq... So after the rising of these movements to remove the rule of the tyrants, these uprising movements upturned; except whom Allah has given mercy, they have turned into fighting amongst themselves rather than fighting between them and the Kaffir colonizers, or between them and the regime that they came out to change it! And on top of all this and that, none of these warring parties questioned: Why is all this happening? Where is all of this happening from the stated goal, for which these movements came out? In addition, none of them stands to wonder: Why these parties dispute, the ISIS organization and the other movements. Why are they disputing over what is in their hands of the liberated areas from the regime rather than to fight in order to liberate other areas from the hands of the regime?

O Muslims: We from our position in Hizb ut Tahrir call for the Muslims in the ISIS Organization, armed movements and the tribes to stop battling each other and to pledge to amend that which is between them, and not to incline toward those who do wrong, or they will be touched by the Fire... We address them from the perspective of protection for the interests of the Muslims, and the pain and sorrow tears our hearts when we see the ISIS organization and other movements during their combat, shouting Takbeers at a time when each is keen to finish off the other! We are addressing all of these, and the pain wrenches us... And we address this call to them with hope and expectancy:

First: to the ISIS organization that it should fear Allah in what it does, so it stops killing Muslims, as the blood of a Muslim is great to Allah. And it should retract from what it announced of the unlawful alleged Caliphate, as the path to Khilafah "Caliphate" is well known and is not obscure. The Messenger of Allah (saw) has demonstrated it in his Seerah in a luminous white manifestation, which is seeking Nusrah (support) from the people of power in a country that has elements of a state, then to take the allegiance (Bayah) of the people of that country with satisfaction and by choice... But ISIS did not take what the Shariah has enjoined, and all work based on non-Islamic order leads to conflict and strife, and so it was. Fighting flared between ISIS and other movements, and the relationship between them became blood stained. Every land that ISIS enters, its people flee from it rather than attaining security besides it... So let ISIS retract from those offences, and retracting a mistake is a virtue.

Second: to other combatant movements that seek the help of America, the West, agents and followers... Your seeking of help from the colonial Kaffir is an offence, as well as it is the loss of insight and vision. How can America or the West help you to overthrow the agents who they installed except that they want you to become new agents in their place? Every sane person knows that this is like the one who jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, is there not among you a man of reason?

Third: to the clans... to the chivalry of the men, and the warmth of the Islamic sentiments, and the people's appreciation and respect for you, do not support any of these Muslim fighting parties; they are not fighting the colonial Kaffir. And although they profess that their uprising is on tyrant regimes to change them, but they do not come together to confront these regimes, rather they gather their guile to fight each other... So take them with an iron fist, and gather them on the guidance, so their course to be one Islamic course, a rightly guided Khilafah "Caliphate", which under its shadows people are safe and are not afraid... And they reject partition, division, regions and territories...

Fourth: and then to those who are ((إِلَّا مَنْ رَحِمَ رَبُّكَ)) "Except whom your Lord has given mercy" [Hud: 119]

; who are true to what they promised Allah, and have committed to support Allah and His Messenger to establish the rightly guided Khilafah "Caliphate"... To those who have distanced themselves from fighting with other Islamist movements, and continued to achieve the goal that they came out for... Remain steadfast on the right that you are on, and do not be affected by those who see you as a lesser gathering than those movements that are immersed in the blood of Muslims. Thus a sincere few gathering is heavier in Allah's scale than the multitude of the false, and the best outcome is for the righteous.

((وَنُرِيدُ أَنْ نَمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّةً وَنَجْعَلَهُمُ الْوَارِثِينَ))

"And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors" [Al-Qasas: 5]

O Muslims: Hizb ut Tahrir has spent about sixty years remaining steadfast on the right which it calls for, committed to the way of the Messenger of Allah (saw) in seeking Nusrah to establish the ruling of Islam on earth without budging an inch. This is despite the arguments that were spread that seeking Nusrah is a long path and that the use of force to impose the rule on the people is shorter and closer. These people did not realize that the case is not the access to the rule, of any rule, nor the following of any method, but the issue is Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of the Prophethood. And the method was drawn by the Messenger of Allah (saw), and he (saw) enlightened it and brightened it by the revelation from Al-Aziz al-Hakim (the Exalted in Might, the Wise.)... Any other method may lead to the rule sooner, but to a painful morbid rule, that does not satisfy Allah, His Messenger and the believers... As Khilafah "Caliphate" is not an empty name of its content... rather it is a safe and secure Khilafah "Caliphate".

People emigrate to it seeking security and safety under its shade, and not fleeing from it from fear and oppression... A Khilafah "Caliphate" where people obtain security in it for themselves, their honor, wealth and homes, and not spilling blood in it, violating honors, destroying homes and encroaching wealth... A Khilafah "Caliphate" that not only spreads goodness in the Muslim countries, but carries its civilization to the world. A Khilafah "Caliphate" where Muslims and non-Muslims attain security and everyone takes their right in justice and contentment...

Hizb ut Tahrir is a guide that does not lie to its people, and it is from you and with you in this call...

It calls whoever has a heart and reason, whoever listens while he is present in mind as a witness, to exert effort, even if his best was to speak half of the word, then let him do so to stop the fighting between the Muslims of ISIS organization and other revolting movements and the clans, perhaps in time... where Muslims will stop battling each other, and they go forth in one row in the face of alliances of the military intervention that is planned and led by the United States. So this mobilization afflicts those alliances' conspiracies with destruction, and stop the evil before it worsens... This call, Allah willing, is honest and sincere, we address it to whoever has a heart and listens while he is present in mind, so that he has an influential role in the victory of Islam and Muslims, and to repel the machination of the colonial Kaffir... While those who do not hear nor see, the Powerful, the Exalted in Might has informed us about them:

((إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الصُّمُّ الْبُكْمُ الَّذِينَ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ))

"Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason." [Al-Anfal: 22]


News and Comment Respecting the Victims of MH17 by Cancelling the Mrs. Universe Pageant!!

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Within a five months period, Malaysia was struck by two airline disasters that had shocked the nation and the world. MH370 disappeared from flight radar in March 2014 and is still not found until today. Then, on the 17th of July 2014, MH17 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down in Ukrainian airspace. Malaysians share their sorrow over the two shocking events and when the bodies of the MH17 victims arrived last Friday (22nd August 2014), the government declared a day of mourning where all forms of entertainment and festive events were postponed. It is appropriate that homage is paid to the victims of these horrific events. However, while respect is being paid to the victims, disrespect to the nobility of women brews in this ‘multi-national, multi-cultural' nation. The Mrs. Universe Pageant is to be held in 2014 for the first time in Malaysia and Asia on August 29, organized by the SOGO (KL) Department Store Co., Ltd. It seems that more of the agenda of the Kuffar is pouring into this Muslim nation without any resistance or care by the Government of Malaysia. On the day of mourning, Hizb ut Tahrir organized a rally and handed a memorandum of objection on the pageant to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Malaysia.


The government of this secular Muslim nation called Malaysia has always been weak in defending the nobility and dignity of the Muslim way of life. The government may have ‘defended' Islam in personal issues related to food and personal worship; looking back at the issue of Halal food some months ago, the government nonetheless has failed miserably in defending the Islamic way of life related to many other aspects of life. The Mrs. Universe Pageant is one example. This pageant is allowed as if it is part of the way of life of Malaysians, specifically the Muslims. When the Department of Religious Affairs of the State of Selangor was criticized for being silent on this event, the answer given was that there are no Muslim participants in the pageant and as such, the issue is beyond the jurisdiction of the department. The fact that this event is even held in a Muslim majority country is a slap on the face of the Muslim authorities and is highly inappropriate for a nation that claims to be the ‘example Muslim State'. Hizb ut Tahrir held a rally in front of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Malaysia which is the ministry responsible for granting the permission for this pageant to be held in Malaysia. A memorandum was also handed to the Ministry which contains, among others, these points:

  • Cancellation of the pageant as it is clearly an event which is opposed to Islam
  • Events of this nature bring about much wickedness and have lead to unwanted consequences, looking back at previous festivals of similar nature.
  • The event is a clear exploitation the body and beauty of women for economic interests. Even worse, it takes Malaysia back to the days before Islam where women were only tools of the trade and for the satisfaction of lust. The pageant is an insult and a dishonor to women.
  • Events like this distorts the new generation of Muslims vis-à-vis a cultural liberalization agenda which effectively diverts Muslims towards malevolent Western liberal values.
  • Events such as this contribute illegal income from tourism to the country.

The Mrs. Universe Pageant is not going to be the last event representing the inflow of Western values into this Muslim nation. Indeed, as long as the nation is ruled based on the democratic-capitalistic system, a system rooted in freedom, anything will be allowed in its name. It is easier for Prime Minister Najib to take advantage of sad events such as the loss of the two airlines to stoke the emotions of Malaysians and demand respect to the victims by calling for the postponement and cancellation of festivals. However, clearly these are just words coming from the mouth without solid action. If tribute is to be really given to the victims, then this pageant must be cancelled!!

Islam places women in an honorable position, safeguarding their purity and self-esteem. Before the advent of Islam, women were humiliated and were merely tools to satisfy the lust of men. Islam came and changed the situation. Today, as long as we are still living under the umbrella of disbelieve, the honor of women cannot be well protected. Only with the Khilafah "Caliphate" state, which implements Islam in its totality that the glory and dignity of women will be revived and the community will be saved from the evils of freedom that had permeated deep into the Muslim society.



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

By Dr. Muhammad - Malaysia



Wilayah Syria: Panel Discussion at the Great Mosque in Saracb

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Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Syria, held a panel discussion in the Great Mosque in Saracb. Mr. Ahmed Abdul Wahab Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Syria, and Dr. Yousef Hajj Yousef Deputy to the Official Spokesman for the Hizb in Britain.

Abode of Islam, Shawwal 1435 AH - August 2014 CE





Wilayah Syria: Media Office Tour in the countryside of Idlib

  • Published in Syria
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Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Syria, a field tour in the countryside of Idlib, where it met with the members of the Hizb and effectively targeted several figures, and gave several lectures and speeches where they discussed the importance of political work, teamwork and its role in changing the bitter reality of the Ummah.

Abode of Islam, Shawwal 1435 AH - August 2014 CE




From a Fine to Life Imprisonment: 5 Questions to Russian Intelligence Services

On 22 August 2014, the Investigative Committee of Russia in Chelyabinsk region reported on the completion of the investigation of the criminal case against six members of the international Islamic political party Hizb ut Tahrir. All of them are accused on Art. 282.2 CC RF (Organization of the activity of the extremist body). On 21 August 2014 in Vakhitovsk District court of Kazan city the next hearing of a criminal case passed. The members of Hizb ut Tahrir are on the dock...

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