Friday, 24 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/27
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A message from a female slave of Allah (swt) in Gaza to the glorious Ummah

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I begin by praising my Lord in a manner that befits the Majesty and Greatness of His power, My Lord (swt), I am a slave woman who is in need of you, I supplicate with the words of your Prophet, the best of creation.

There is no Nasser (Helper) except You and I am not needy of anyone but You.

"O Allah! Unto You do I complain of my weakness, of my helplessness and of my lowliness before men. O most Merciful of the merciful. O Lord of the weak and my Lord too. Into whose hands have you entrusted me? Unto some far off stranger who receives me with hostility? Or unto a foe whom you have empowered against me? I care not, so long as You are not angry with me. But Your favouring help, that were for me the broader way and the wider scope. I take refuge in the light of Your Countenance whereby all darkness is illuminated and all things of this world and the next are rightly ordered, lest You make descend Your anger upon me or lest Your wrath beset me. Yet it is Yours to reproach until You are well pleased. There is no power and no might except through Thee."

O Ummah of glory,

I will not address you today while crying in agony about our situation in Gaza, nor will I talk about our reality for what you see on your television sets is far more descriptive than my words. The groans and wails of the bereaved and the mothers and children that you hear is enough to rip your heart out due to the pain and anguish that reflects their state, the state of the people of Gaza. Nor shall I be talking here to plead for your compassion that brings tears to your eyes. I would rather address you as a dignified noble Ummah who raises its head to the sky, one that is not harmed by those who let it down; By Allah if mankind and the jinn were to gather to harm us they will not harm us except if it is destined by Allah and if they were to gather to benefit us they will only benefit us if it is destined by Allah and we are certain that victory is in the hand of Allah alone.

Nevertheless, I write this letter to you today to ponder (question) about the state of the Ummah, an Ummah of glory, dignity and honour.

An Ummah that had for centuries dominated the world and was the best of nations.

A nation that placed fear into the hearts of its enemies with its words, what about its deeds!

O Ummah of glory, O best nation brought to mankind

Woe to the Ummah whose Prophet and leader is Mohammed (saw) who commands them to support their brother whether he is a transgressor or oppressed so that they respond to his (saw)'s command but instead of supporting in all situations they exceed the limits in transgressing.

Pitiful is the state of an Ummah that descends from Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Khalid, Ali, Alqa'qa' and Al-Mutasim, By Allah have you no shame!

Woe to an Ummah whose deen has been completed, and favours fulfilled and Islam was accepted as its Deen, I see it today rejecting what has been accepted for it (Islam) by the Almighty Allah.

By Allah, how will you reply to the martyred children, women and elderly of Gaza when you are asked while standing on the Path (Al Sirat)?
Where were you while we were being slaughtered?

Where were you when we were being killed, with no security, protection, shield or Shepherd?

And you, O Muslim scholars, O servants of the Deen...

Your utter silence and unjust position towards us is stronger and tougher on our hearts and more humiliating than the shelling and rockets and witnessing our children's bodies torn apart.

By Allah you shall be questioned on all that you do and what you say and even what you remain silent on.

Your duas are not sufficient for us nor is the money that you collect for us.

I swear by Allah that your money will not bring back our children or mothers or fathers or brothers, or bring satisfaction to our hearts.

By Allah we will not forgive you as long as we live and God will not forget your abandonment and oppression.

Therefore, O Ummah of glory...

Think not that your money, food aid and medical supplies will relieve you from having greatly disappointed us, it is worth nothing in front of a moment of fear in the eyes of our children who await murder and the bombing roar, hearing the sound of airplanes in the sky or artillery poised to strike at any moment and in any place.

By Allah, it's lesser for us to die of starvation or disease than to hand us over to the Jews as gift on a platter of betrayal and blood.

For your knowledge we no longer accept nonsense and are not fooled by those tricks or the tears in your eyes.

We know very well that you can support us with more than what you are doing now but you are not willing

Do you know how?? Allow me to inform you of what you know well:

You have armies that can break the Jewish army but why are you shackling them with an iron fist policy??

You have planes that can demolish the Jewish aircrafts, why are you locking them up in Airports and not releasing them to demolish their great fortresses??

And you have the rockets and tanks and bombs that could shake the Jewish entity, why then do not release them from the storage before it's eaten up by rust?

Therefore, my Ummah of glory ...

You have all the means for victory, which enables you to put an end to the tyrannical Zionist entity but you are his brothers and our enemies. You support him through your silence and your idle position towards us, you support him through subjugating yourself to the trivial leaders which are a heavy burden on your and our hearts, you support the enemy through your fear of the jails of tyrants and detentions of puppet governments. Oh you women with Imama and beards!

Have you now seen with your own eyes how the resistance from the mujahideen in Gaza has shaken the security of Jews with equipment, which is not even worth comparing to the enemy?!

Did it not motivate you by revealing to you that the Jewish entity is flimsier than a spider's web?!

Did it not awaken in you the power as a believer who is sure that Allah is the supporter even after a while.

((فَلَمْ تَقْتُلُوهُمْ وَلَـٰكِنَّ اللَّـهَ قَتَلَهُمْ ۚ وَمَا رَمَيْتَ إِذْ رَمَيْتَ وَلَـٰكِنَّ اللَّـهَ رَمَىٰ ۚ وَلِيُبْلِيَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْهُ بَلَاءً حَسَنًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ))

"And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He might test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing." [TMQ 8:17]

By Allah the One and only! Every Muslim East or West shall be accounted for every pure drop of blood from an innocent child or a bereaved woman or an oppressed elderly man.

Know that Allah is predominant over His affairs and the day shall come when the Kafir and its people are humiliated and Islam and its people are honoured and this is not a heavy task for Allah.

((وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنقَلَبٍ يَنقَلِبُونَ))

"And those who have wronged are going to know to what [kind of] return they will be returned" [TMQ 26:227]


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
A female servant of Gaza who is need of her Lord (swt)



Press Release With the Help and Support of Allah (swt) Hizb ut Tahrir Organized a Campaign of Mass Interaction in this Blessed Month of Ramadan

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Members, activists and supporters of Hizb ut Tahrir gave their best effort in this blessed month of Ramadan to convey to the people the grave importance of re-establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" and that the Khilafah "Caliphate" is the only way to liberate the Muslims of Palestine. They started their work on the first Friday of Ramadan (06 Ramadan / 04 July) with mass distribution of the leaflet issued by Hizb ut Tahrir, Wilayah Bangladesh, titled "Dying under the Hasina-Khaleda Regime is a Death of Jahiliyyah and Removing this Kufr Regime is an Obligation." On that day they distributed thousands of leaflets in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi and Comilla and they followed that up in the next 3-4 days; in total more than 150,000 leaflets were distributed by them within these 4-5 days.

The Shabab of the Hizb continued their work with great dedication by setting up "Public Interaction Stalls" at multitude of public gathering places such as in front of mosques, busy streets, entrance to markets and inside Dhaka University. They mingled with the Ummah and held interactive discussions. The Shabab were highly enthusiastic in interacting with the Ummah who expressed their support for the Call of the Hizb. Stalls were arranged on several days for the past two weeks. In addition to the stalls, the members, activists and supporters of the party also arranged Bayans outside dozens of mosques after Dhuhr and Asr prayers on various days throughout these two weeks.

We pray to Allah (swt) to reward the party members, activists and supporters and to bring for them, for the Muslims and for us the good news of the return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" soon.



Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Wilayah Bangladesh




Picture Slideshow:Click Here







Headlines News 24/07/2014

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• Israel-Gaza Conflict: ‘Israel' May have Committed War Crimes, says UN Human Rights Chief

• King Abdullah Receives Honorary Doctorate for Courage

• Pakistan Assures US Zarb-e-Azb is Against All Terrorists



Israel-Gaza conflict: ‘Israel' May have Committed War Crimes, says UN Human Rights Chief

The two week offensive in Gaza, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children in the crowded coastal enclave, could have seen war crimes committed by Israel, the UN's top human rights official has warned. The remarks from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay in Geneva came a week after the Jewish entity escalated its Operation Protective Edge - launched with the stated purpose of halting Hamas rocket fire - from aerial bombardments into a ground campaign that has resulted in a sharp increase in Palestinian casualties. They raised the possibility that the military campaign, if it continues much longer or is escalated further, could turn into a public relations and diplomatic debacle for Jewish entity as happened with its Operation Cast Lead campaign launched in Gaza in 2008 and 2009. Citing cases of Israeli air strikes and shelling of houses and hospitals, Ms Pillay told a UN session considering a resolution to set up an international inquiry into Jewish entity's actions that "there seems to be a strong possibility international humanitarian law has been violated in a manner that could amount to war crimes". [Source: The Independent]

What level of proof does the world require in order to establish that the Jewish state's slaughter of Palestinians constitutes crimes against humanity. And if history has to be considered then what the Jewish state has been perpetrating against the Palestinians since 1948, is nothing short of genocide. Yet despite the abundance of such evidence the West and its proxies refuse to accept such assertions, and continuously hold the oppressed people of Palestine accountable. The only solution to the problem of Palestine is for the Muslim armies of the neighbouring countries to rediscover their sense of purpose for defending Islam, and liberating Palestine from the Jewish usurper.


King Abdullah Receives Honorary Doctorate for Courage

Egypt's Al-Azhar University has granted King Abdullah an honorary doctorate degree for his courage. The university announced that the degree comes in appreciation of the king's sincere efforts in serving Islam and Muslims and for his courageous stance on Egypt and its people, said Osama Al-Abd, head of Al-Azhar. [Source: Arab News].

How can anyone in their sane mind award King Abdullah a prize for bravery? Look at the coward Abdullah who rather than standing up to the Jewish state's massacre of Palestinians chooses to collude with it. If there is a prize to be awarded then both Abdullah and Sisi should be given the prize for treachery and hypocrisy. Allah says in the Quran:

((الْمُنَافِقُونَ وَالْمُنَافِقَاتُ بَعْضُهُم مِّن بَعْضٍ يَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمُنكَرِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَقْبِضُونَ أَيْدِيَهُمْ نَسُواْ اللّهَ فَنَسِيَهُمْ إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ))

"The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: they enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten Allah; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse". [TMQ At-Tawba: 67]

Pakistan Assures US Zarb-e-Azb is Against All Terrorists

Pakistan on Monday assured the United States that Islamabad was addressing the threat of terrorism through Operation Zarb-e-Azb, which will ensure that there is no discrimination or distinction between the several terrorist groups in North Waziristan. Voices have been raised in Washington that the army here is giving a safe passage to the Haqqani Network. The assurance was given to Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador James Dobbins by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Policy and National Security Sartaj Aziz, as well as Chief of the Army Staff General Raheel Sharif during wide-ranging talks on domestic and international issues on Monday. During Dobbin's farewell call on Pakistani officials, according to the Foreign Office, Pakistan committed to a peaceful, stable and united Afghanistan. Sartaj Aziz also underlined Pakistan's support for a peaceful democratic transition, underscoring its vital importance for stability in Afghanistan and the region. Dobbins told the Pakistani leaders that the US supported its relationship with Pakistan for regional stability and agreed to continue working together in order to build a stronger partnership to advance the common objectives. The adviser highlighted the instrumental role of the Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue in fostering closer collaboration between the two countries in diverse fields, including trade, economy, energy, counter-terrorism, education and science and technology. Reviewing the process since its revitalisation last year, the two sides expressed satisfaction over the steady enhancement of mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation. The two sides reiterated their resolve to further deepen the bilateral relationship and strengthen mutual consultations on Afghanistan post-2014 with a view to advancing the shared objectives of peace, stability and economic development in the region and beyond. [The News International]

Dobbin's America's Viceroy in Pakistan revealed to true face of America's Raj in Pakistan by holding to account both the Pakistani civil and military leadership regarding operations in North Waziristan. Dobbin's was unequivocal in his determination to see Pakistan pursue all those people who are opposed to America's hegemony in the region. Rather than standing firm against America, the Pakistani leadership duly complied and the severity of drone attacks has only increased.

With such leaders one can only expect that America's domination of Pakistani society and life will get much under the disguise of ‘deepening the bilateral relations'.


Wilayah Sudan: Congratulation to Eid al-Fitr 1435 AH - 2014 CE

We are delighted in Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan to congratulate you on the blessed Eid al-Fitr, praying to the Almighty al-Qadeer to accept the worship and good deeds and for its return upon the Islamic Ummah while the lands are united under the shadow of a righteous Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of the Prophethood, cherishing the people of obedience, and humiliating the people of sin.


Advice to the Netherland Muslims Regarding the Palestinian Issue

Since the beginning of the brutal attack by the Jewish state on Gaza, the Palestinian issue has become the subject of discussion by many countries, organizations, and individuals. Everyone addresses it according to their specific viewpoint like Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, for example, has expressed his support to the so-called "Israel" in its war on Gaza, and that it has the right to defend itself and protect its citizens.


Hizb ut Tahrir Presents its Vision for Solving the Country's Issues When Meeting with Imam Sadiq al-Mahdi

A delegation from Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Sudan led by Mr. Nasser Ridha - Chairman of the Central Communications Committee, accompanied by Mr. Ibrahim Othman (Abu Khalil) - Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Sudan, Mr. Rifa't Awwad - Member of the Central Communications Committee and Mr. Abdullah Hussein - Member of the Central Communications Committee; the delegation met with Imam/ Sadiq al-Mahdi - Chairman of the National Umma Party and Imam of the Ansar.


O Muslims! Until When Will You Keep Supporting the Rulers ‘Who Rule But Not Govern'?

At the time when the Jewish state carries out a bloody massacre in Gaza and during the holy month of Ramadhan, using the killing of the three teenagers as a pretext. It did not hesitate even in killing of children who were playing football on the beach. Last night it carried out a wide incursion operation with the silence of the whole

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