Wednesday, 20 Sha'aban 1446 | 2025/02/19
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The Blessed Revolution of ash-Sham Represents a Unique Case in History. It Confirms the Imminent Awakening of the Ummah


Written by: Ahmed Moaz

Al-Waie Magazine Issue 460-461

Thirty-ninth year

Jumada I - Jumada II 1446 AH corresponding to December 2024 - January 2025 CE

The world is witnessing successive events that reveal inevitable changes arising on both the international and regional scenarios. The situation in all countries of the world is unstable. It is as if the world is waiting for a great event to come that will turn the tide of the earth and change history. This is especially us who live in the heart of the ancient world of ash-Sham, whose battle has become very intense. This is in light of the clear alignment of supposed friends with the enemies, from within the former criminal regime, against our revolution.

Since the outbreak of the Arab Spring fourteen years ago, the world has been witnessing major and rapid changes on all political, economic, social and cultural levels. The world’s leading state, the United States, has not been able to contain these changes in the manner required to maintain its superiority, despite possessing all the necessary strength. Instead, the US is suffering like other states. It has not found a solution to its worsening economic problems, and the emergence of racism as a disease, that is spreading widely, and causing societal division, both horizontally and vertically, which it is unable to treat. Instead, economic problems have swept the US into a quagmire from which it will not emerge as it was, despite its great ability and the large margin for freedom within intellectual maneuvering, that has been frozen since 2008. This is after the financial crisis that struck it and the global economy, whilst finance is the lifeblood. Yet, it is struck by inability to find solutions to get out of the crisis. Instead, it is as if a decision has been made to coexist with this crisis, in light of the absence of a solution. The increase in global inflation is an attempt to continue at the head of the world’s states. The reason for all this is the intellectual crisis that the world is experiencing, with the capitalist ideology entering a stage of intellectual stagnation. This is like all previous nations that begin the stage of decline, leading to downfall with the freezing of thinking, and the inability to find real solutions to address problems. Important intellectuals have acknowledged that the capitalist ideology, based on the doctrine of separating religion from life, carries the seeds of its failure within its foundation, in the form of greed, love of domination and stubbornness against the reality of human life. Like all the tyrants of the earth, and the pharaohs throughout history, they do not see or sense, or even believe, the fact that they are drowning. They cannot grasp their reality, and the extent and level of their drowning. This is the reality of the situation, despite scientific and technological superiority. We have the best evidence of this in previous nations. The pharaohs fell, while they were at the peak of their scientific progress. Pharaoh was killed while he was at his strongest, and our master Musa (as) and his people were victorious at the peak of their weakness and helplessness. The Romans and Persians were removed from the throne of the world, while they were at the peak of their strength and shared the world between them. This is the reality of change and the sunnah of Allah (swt) for this life.

When the leading state reaches the stage of resorting to military resolution for all its political issues, it announces its failure and the imminent descent from the throne of the leading state in the world, despite its reluctance, and whilst there is no competing power. Fragility is the master of the international scenario, which is colored with a single liberal capitalist hue. What applies to the leading state, applies to the rest of the major powers that are candidates for rivalry. Due to the civilizational sterility that we have been living in for decades, humanity’s need for change appears prominently, despite the persistent attempts to cover up this deficiency. The spread of injustice in the world, and the clear emergence of the standard and law of the jungle, draws the curtain over the approaching end of one of the worst stages of humanity. The wheel of change is turning at its maximum capacity to save humanity from what the devils amongst men, the masters of the international order, have brought upon humanity.

Islam is the strongest candidate to inherit the international order, despite the fierce attack on it. In fact, the campaigns against Islam have only increased its strength. This is despite all attempts to use the wrong understandings of Islam, and to use the advancing of false “Islamic” movements, one after the other, as solutions in the hands of the United States to confront the rise of Islam, which is the best way to fight Islam. However, in the last decade, we have witnessed the progress of the correct understanding of Islam, in light of the fall of all false “Islamic” intellectual trends. This represented a strong blow to the war on Islam, which is the only civilizational alternative and the hope of all peoples, and humanity as a whole.

The Blessed Revolution of ash-Sham represents a great hope for all Muslims in the world to achieve the process of change, due to its ideological dimension, its strategic location, and its being a permanent bridgehead for Muslims, within offensive campaigns throughout the ages. It was always the center of mobilization of armies and encampment. Although the revolution appears as if it has been contained, its embers are like embers under the ashes. They return to glow again with every gust of wind, which constitutes a complexity, for whoever is responsible for extinguishing this ember. The factions that were the product of multiple Islamic intellectual movements were handed over to the Turkish regime, to lead them towards what was planned in the corridors of American foreign policy. However, the Turkish regime, which is a regional power and an important member of NATO, has so far failed in the nail-biting, tense play, and in the dirty role that the United States assigned to it. It is considered an “Islamic regime,” at least in the eyes of a segment of Muslims, although it is secular in content with an Islamic garb. Its garb fell with the approach of deadlines and milestones, in the final stage of attempting to bury the last strongholds of the Arab Spring in Syria.

The recent period has revealed Turkey’s failure to accomplish the final stage of eliminating the revolution entirely. This failure forced the United States to intervene several times, and correct the mistakes Turkey made, realizing the seriousness of failure, in wasting years of strenuous efforts, in confronting the revolution of a people, who have a lot of determination and will. It is this determination and will that is the real obstacle, in addition to the awareness spread by the sincere elements in the revolution, exposing the tricks of the illusionists. Deception is the last weapon in the quiver of the enemies of the revolution. Once there is awareness of the deception, and the deception is revealed and exposed, that heralds defeat for the enemies of the revolution. So what of the one who destroys the plans to abort the revolution, whilst possessing the solution and alternative order, arising from the Islamic Aqeedah, which is what every Muslim on the face of the earth longs for?! Certainly, the results will be dazzling in the coming days, Allah (swt) willing.

The Turkish regime has reached the point of reneging on all its promises, swallowing them and working hard to save the previous criminal regime, by forcing its remnants to normalize with it. This is a stage preceding the handing over of the liberated areas, and surrendering, to the thugs of Assad who lost all legitimacy, especially after his own brutal crimes against the people of ash-Sham and his summoning of gangs and militias to kill and abuse them. The regime of Assad lost legitimacy until it became a nominal regime, with no resolute decision in the country, in light of Russia and Iran dominating the affairs of the areas under their control. This latest Turkish drive has its reasons, causes and aspirations, the guidelines of which were drawn by the United States. Turkey is implementing the American guidelines in light of the mobilization of the Jewish entity against the Iranian presence in Syria. This is in a war of interests over competing influences that America is trying to balance, especially in Syria, with promises to the Turkish regime of a future role in it, in cooperative coordination with the Iranian regime. This is in light of new alliances and plans to shape the region, after it was weakened by the revolutions, the movement of Muslim peoples, and the inability to absorb this movement except by force and coercion, which means real intellectual bankruptcy in the face of Muslims.

These are attempts at striking a balance between the regional states, Iran and Turkey, in service of the projects of the United States, especially in Syria and Palestine. These attempts are critical, especially after the Al-Aqsa Flood and the legendary steadfastness of Gaza, despite the major powers in the world rallying alongside the entity. This steadfastness is despite the inaction and failure of the Arab regimes and despite the actual participation of the Arab regime in the war alongside the entity. This all represents a snapshot of the civilizational conflict between Islam and kufr (disbelief). In my opinion it is the last round before the emergence of Islam, especially since the steadfastness of Gaza and the revolution of ash-Sham represent a unique case in history that confirms the imminent awakening of the Ummah. In light of the warnings of Western officials, the situation in the Middle East has reached a critical level of danger. It is the sounding of an alarm bell, amidst the absence of effective solutions to the problems of the international order, in the most important region of the world, as well as its geographical and strategic center.

Islamic civilization was, and still, is the only competitor to Western civilization. Islam, with its ‘Aqeedah, laws and system, was the driving force behind most revolutions in the region. The failure of movements and trends to bring Islam to power is primarily due to these movements’ misunderstanding of Islam. This is amidst both the West’s support and disregard for the progress of these movements and currents. It is also amidst both their dominance of the scene, and their failure. This was to be the most important gain for the West and its civilization, whose sun is about to set. The return of Islam to power will only happen if Muslims stand on their feet and build their state on sound foundations, a rightly-guided state led by a group aware of Islam, its laws, system and the method that the Messenger of Allah (saw) has outlined. The many obstacles to the Islamic state’s return are weakened. Muslims are adhering to their Deen and are eager for the return of its state. It is only a matter of time before Allah (swt) confirms to those who believe in the firm word of truth, regarding this worldly life, such that the earth shines again with the guidance of its Lord once again, after long years of injustice and darkness. It is only a matter of time before life is revived in the Ummah, so it discards its weakness and humiliation, and stands tall in the face of its enemies. It is only a matter of time before the Ummah takes its Lord’s risaalah (message) with strength, clings to its Deen with its teeth, and sets out once again within the world, to remove the burden of years of slavery and colonialism from the shoulders of humanity, bringing people out of darkness into light, out from the worship of servants to the worship of the Lord of servants, out from the injustice of other ways of life, to the justice of Islam, and out from the narrowness of this world to the spaciousness of this world and the Hereafter. All that is not difficult for Allah (swt).

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