Wilayah Syria: Protests in Otma and Soran 03/01/2013
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Protests in Otma, Idleb
Hizb ut Tahrir and its supporters and the rebels insisted on going out again in Otma on Friday waving the banners and flags of the Messenger of Allah (saw) chanting Khilafah "Caliphate", confident of Allah's victory and the promise of His Messenger peace be upon him, proud of their Islamic Ummah, refusing projects from the Kafir West and their agent-rulers of the Muslim forced upon the necks of the nation.
Friday, 19 Rabii II 1434 AH, corresponding to 01 March 2013
Rally in Soran, Aleppo
Hizb ut Tahrir and his supporters and the rebels in Soran intervening to have their say: we will not accept without a Khilafah "Caliphate" system and all the projects of the secular coalitions Western-backed and the projects and dialogue with the criminal Bashar do not represent us.
Friday, 19 Rabii II 1434 AH, corresponding to 01 March 2013