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News and Comment Against the Backdrop of the Attack on Charlie Hebdo The Ummah of Islam is Alive Will NOT Die

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Sky News Arabic quoted: In a step singled out among the rest of the major newspapers in Denmark, Jyllands-Posten Newspaper will not republish the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo's cartoons. The newspaper had sparked a wave of protests in the Muslim world, in which at least 50 people were killed, when it published cartoons offensive to Islam in 2005. The rest of other Danish newspapers republished the French satirical weekly newspaper's cartoons within their coverage of the attack, which took place in Paris, Wednesday (07/01/2015), on the Office of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.



The world was filled with statements denouncing the attack which took place at the headquarters of the French newspaper, and the Western leaders stated that this is a vicious assault against the freedom of expression. French President Francois Hollande had condemned the attack, and said in a speech in front of the headquarters of the newspaper that the attack "touches the heart of the principles of the French Republic, which is the freedom and freedom of expression".

In January of last year, French Interior Minister Manuel Valls, banned a performance by the comic Dieudonne Mbala called "The Wall" on the grounds that it is anti-Semitic, and the French Supreme Court upheld the decision. However, the same court acquitted the novelist Michelle Houellebecq after he called Islam "the dumbest religion" under the pretext of maintaining the freedom of expression!

And so, freedom of expression for them becomes boundless when it comes to attacking Islam, its rites and its holy places, while the exposure of the Jews, even though innuendo, by what offend them, then this is outside the limits of freedom of expression.

Events that indicate the bright truth of the deep-rooted hatred in their hearts against Islam and its people have recurred successively, and those people are not deterred except by an impediment punishment, and perhaps this is the lesson that the Danish newspaper had learned and decided not to publish the French newspaper's cartoons.

It came in the Sahih Hadith: «ثلاث من كن فيه وجد بهن حلاوة الإيمان: - منها - أن يكون الله ورسوله أحب إليه مما سواهما» "Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith - among them - The one to whom Allah and His Messenger becomes dearer than anything else." (Narrated by the two Sheikhs) and his (saw) saying:

«لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى أكون أحب إليه من والده وولده والناس أجمعين» "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind." (Narrated by Muslim).

The time has come for the world to realize that the Ummah of Islam is alive, will not die, and it sacrifice for its Deen and its Prophet with hearts and lives. It does not know weakness despite all the criminality of the oppressive rulers who are keen on pleasing the capitals of Kufr. And that it is determined to live in dignity and pride of Islam even though the Unbelievers may detest.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Osman Bakhash

Director of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir


News and Comment Erdogan is De Facto President

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The 12 new departments that will be established in the Presidential Palace will develop politics and strategies through scientific work. The departments will ensure coordination with governmental institutions and will provide support to the government through their counsel. (Source: Sabah)



The "presidential system" is being discussed in Turkey since the past president Turgut Özal until today. Especially towards the end of President Erdogan's Prime Minister era this issue is being discussed more intensively in the public. It can be said that one of the most important agendas of the year 2014 was the presidential system. Erdogan said in a TV program he joined on Channel A Haber on 21st July 2014, "I wish to carry Turkey to the presidential system. However I don't know how the party's Central Executive Board thinks about it. I am the opinion that the presidential or semi-presidential system will speed up Turkey's steps."

Erdogan, who already promised after becoming President that he would not be an "ordinary President", has announced that he will hold a cabinet meeting on 19th of January in Beştepe (Presidential Palace), and that he will preside over the meeting. It was stated that there would be established 12 departments who will work within the framework of the presidency.

According to a news report on the Sabah Newspaper, "The 12 departments will develop politics and strategies through scientific work. The departments will ensure coordination with governmental institutions and will provide support to the government through their counsel. The new Domestic Security Department will primarily conduct work regarding the resolution process, and the struggle against the Parallel structure, and all other areas regarding the national security."

Eight of the departments aim at shaping the country's policies. These departments will operate under the both of two Presidential assistant secretary general, and will include the Domestic Security Department, Foreign Affairs Department, Strategy Department, Social and Cultural Affairs Department, Investment Monitoring Department, Information Technology Department, Corporate Communications Department, Public Relations Department.

All administrative and financial issues within the Presidency, human resources, juristic services, law, and decision departments will be under the supervision of the two secretary-generals.

It is said that especially the "Domestic Security Department" is a unit similar to the National Security Council of the USA. The "Domestic Security Department" established with the newly signed confidential decree will develop strategies and policies on issues of the national security.

This unit which will operate like a strategy centre will develop policies and strategies to fight against internal and external threats to the "state interest". It is stated that this unit will evaluate obtained information from intelligence units and security institutions under a strategic view; and in order to ensure a successful struggle, it will give advice. It is also stated that this unit will make scientific research in matters of terror and the structure of terror organisations, as well as the process of struggle, and will give support to the relevant units through its evaluations and analysis.

All these current steps are seen as the basis for the transformation into the presidential system.  If the AKP will achieve votes in the 2015 elections in the ratio it expects again, then there is hardly any obstacle in front of the AKP in order to start the presidential system with a new constitution. Even if it would not obtain the rate of votes hoped for, it is well-known that the HDP will support the presidential system.

All these current changes are related to the mission imposed on the AKP and Turkey. Because Turkey is not the same Turkey it was 10 years ago.  Turkey plays a mediation role in many parts of the world from Middle East to Africa and Central Asia. And exactly this situation makes Turkey very important. At the same time it is desired to present Turkey as a role-model to the Muslim Lands, where secularism and Islam can and do live together. We can easily say that the republic is re-built again with Erdogan. This regime which moulded in 90 years is being restored. However, no matter how often it will be formatted, no system is able to resist this huge change. Because regardless if it is a parliamentary system, a semi-presidential, or presidential system; all of them are based upon the rotten capitalist system.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Osman Yeldiz



News and Comment Self-Harm Amongst Children in the UK is Soaring

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On the 7th January, the BBC reported two major teaching unions having said that schools in the UK are struggling to cope with the rising numbers of students self-harming. Self-harming involves individuals deliberately cutting, bruising, burning, overdosing on drugs or hurting themselves in other ways as a means to relieve the pain of psychological distress which they feel they cannot deal with in any other manner. According to NHS figures, the number of 10-19 year olds admitted to hospital across England, Wales and Northern Ireland due to intentionally hurting themselves has increased 20% from 2012/13 to 2013/14, with latest figures showing that almost 29,000 young people were treated for self-harming injuries in just one year. In December last year, The Health and Social Care Information Centre also released new figures that revealed that the number of children being admitted to hospital for self-harm is at a 5 year high, with admission of girls aged 10-14 almost doubling between 2009/10 to 2013/14, and a 45% increase for boys within the same age range. A World Health Organisation report that is due to be published this year is expected to show that over the last decade in England, the number of teenagers who have self-harmed has tripled. However campaigners say that these numbers could be just the tip of the iceberg of the problem. Dr. Max Davis, a spokesperson for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health stated, "We have to remember that people self-harm because they're in psychological distress that's so severe that they prefer physical harm or physical pain to their psychological state....So the real question is, why are more young people experiencing unbearable psychological distress?"



Indeed, serious questions need to be asked about what the elements are of any society in which so many of its young are driven to not only suffer such severe emotional turmoil but to also not see any path of relief other than inflicting pain upon themselves. Those working with youth engaging in self-harm have stated that issues such as bullying at school, family breakdown, addiction issues in families, extremely high expectations to perform well at school, sexual pressures, problems around body image, and general worries about their future are some of the causes driving youngsters to hurt themselves.

The rising prevalence of self-harm and its causes amongst the UK's young is just one of the rotten fruits of the capitalist, secular system that governs the state. Under this system in which religion and spirituality have been increasingly viewed with contempt, mocked and pushed to the margins of society, the young are amongst those who have inevitably paid the price. The ever-weakening presence of a moral compass that was based upon a sense of accountability to a Creator and which once guided children to behave with respect towards others has been replaced with a culture of individualism and self-gratification, fuelling problems such as bullying. Liberal values such as personal and sexual freedoms have not only exacerbated family breakdown but have placed untold pressure upon the youth, in particular girls to engage in sexual activities at a younger and younger age. And the secular view of success that is linked to achievements in this life; its generation of unrealistic expectations for people such as those associated with body image; and its creation of a climate where individuals view pleasing and gaining acceptance from others as the means to contentment and happiness, rather than God, has caused immense emotional distress for children, teenagers, and adults alike. Alongside all this, is the presence of a spiritual void within many of the young - a void that fills an individual with emptiness, and drives them to seek contentment in superficial things or pursue materialistic lives that only adds to the emptiness. Furthermore, under the secular, capitalist system, the absence of the correct outlook on the true purpose and nature of life nor clear solutions to human problems leads many of the young to see no way to relieve the distress from their difficulties other than taking a knife to their wrists.

All this is a reminder of the mercy of Islam and the great responsibility that we have as Muslims to ensure that the Islamic values and correct viewpoint towards life are instilled within our Muslim youth in a strong manner. The belief in Allah (swt), that the purpose of life is to worship Him, that the difficulties faced in this dunya are a test, that the view of true happiness and success is to please Him (swt), and the belief in the unimaginable rewards of Jannah that await the devoted believer, all create a sound and stable mentality. It is a mentality that does not seek contentment in superficial things, measure true success by materialistic gains, or feel the need to achieve unrealistic expectations set by others or gain their acceptance to feel happiness. It is also a mentality that understands his or her accountability to a Creator and hence lives life according to His (swt)'s Rules and Limits and not selfish desires. These Rules includes the rejection of personal and sexual freedoms. They also prescribe treating others with respect, kindness, and care, and shunning cruel behaviour such as bullying. All this, alongside the sound solutions Islam provides for every type of human problem helps to prevent the severe psychological turmoil that leads to self-harm. It also provides a coping strategy to deal with the emotional distress that naturally human being experience as a result of troubles in their life.


((وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَانًا لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً وَبُشْرَى لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ))

"We have sent the Qur'an to you as an explanation of all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and glad tidings to those who are Muslim." [TMQ An-Nahl: 89]

The scale of self-harm affecting children in the West should also be a stark reminder of the great dangers that lay ahead for the youth of the Muslim world if the secular, liberal systems in our lands are not discarded and replaced with the Islamic system of the Khilafah "Caliphate".



Written for The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Dr. Nazreen Nawaz

Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir


Free Naveed Butt Campaign Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan Issues Article of Naveed Butt: "How America Succeeded in Igniting Fires in Different Corners of Pakistan"

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan has issued an article authored by its spokesman in Pakistan, Naveed Butt, entitled, "How America Succeeded in Igniting Fires in Different Corners of Pakistan". The Raheel-Nawaz regime is using the Peshawar carnage to eliminate the concept of Jihad from Pakistan, to prove the this US war is our war, to declare those men as terrorists who


News Headlines

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French Premier Declares ‘War' on Radical Islam as Paris Girds for Rally

Majority of Germans See Islam as Threat, Poll Indicates

Hindu Outfit Plans to Finish Islam By 2021


French Premier Declares ‘War' on Radical Islam as Paris Girds for Rally

Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared Saturday that France was at war with radical Islam after the sieges that had led to the deaths of three gunmen and four hostages the day before, and as the authorities mounted a frantic hunt for a suspected accomplice. "It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity," Mr. Valls said during a speech in Évry, south of Paris. The government said it would put 500 additional troops on the streets over the weekend amid preparations for a giant unity rally in Paris on Sunday. A number of European officials said they would attend, including Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu of Turkey, the most prominent Muslim leader scheduled to be there. On Saturday, thousands of people marched in Paris, Toulouse and Nice in a show of solidarity, and rallies were held in places as far away as Madagascar and Bangui, Central African Republic. Top ministers in the French government were scheduled to hold an emergency session on Saturday to discuss measures to prevent a repeat of the attacks, which shocked the country and raised questions about why law enforcement agencies had failed to thwart terrorism suspects well known to the police and intelligence services. The crisis and its aftermath presented a major challenge to President François Hollande and his government, which are facing deep religious and cultural rifts in a nation with a rapidly growing Muslim population while simultaneously coping with the security threats stemming from Islamic extremists. Large numbers of French citizens have been traveling to Syria and Iraq to fight with the Islamic State militant group. Mr. Hollande, appealing for unity, has warned against seeing Islam as the enemy, and Mr. Valls called again on Saturday for citizens to join the rally planned for Sunday. "There needs to be a firm message about the values of the republic and of secularism," Mr. Valls said in Évry. "Tomorrow, France and the French can be proud. Everyone must come tomorrow." [Source: New York Times]
Again France and the West in general fail to address the root cause of terror and that is Western intervention in Muslim lands. The people of France should ask their leaders what benefits has France gained by joining America's war against Islam?

Majority of Germans See Islam as Threat

Poll Indicates over 60 percent of non-Muslim Germans say Islam has no place in the West. A large and growing majority of Germans believe Islam does not belong in the Western world and more than half see it as a threat, a poll published on Thursday showed. In a survey conducted in November, before Wednesday's massacre by Islamic extremist gunmen at French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo or widespread media coverage of a new German anti-
migrant movement, 61 percent of non-Muslim Germans said Islam had no place in the West. The figure was up from 52 percent in 2012, according to the study released by the Bertelsmann Foundation think tank. More than half - 57 percent - said they felt threatened by Islam, 4 percentage points higher than in 2012.Forty percent said they felt like "foreigners in their own country" because of the presence of Muslims. And one in four (24 percent) said that Muslims should be barred from migrating to Germany. About four million Muslims live in Germany, around three-quarters of them of Turkish origin, among a population of 80 million people. "For Muslims, Germany has become home. But they are confronted with a negative image apparently shaped by a minority of radical Islamists," Bertelsmann Foundation Islam expert Yasemin El-Menouar wrote in the study's findings, which also looked at Muslim immigrants' views of Germany. The authors said that anti-Islam stances could be found regardless of class or education level, but that younger people and those with personal contacts with Muslims showed less prejudice. The poll was by the TNS Emnid independent opinion research institute among 937 non-Muslim Germans. Germany has been rocked by anti-migrant marches in the eastern city of Dresden, which began small in October but have grown in support over the last month, now attracting around 18,000 people each week. They are organised by a right-wing populist group calling itself PEGIDA or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident. [Source: I24News]
The wide spread Islamophobia against Muslims is rapidly spiraling out of control in one of Europe's most tolerant nations towards Muslims. Germany does not possess the same evil colonial legacy as that of Britain and France, but its German populace is increasingly fearful of Islam. And the question has to be asked: Is Germany moving towards the 1930s but this time the Muslims have become the new Jews of Europe?

Hindu Outfit Plans to Finish Islam By 2021

Stoking a fresh controversy after conversion plans in Aligarh, Hindu outfit Dharm Jagran Manch, which had planned a conversion programme in Aligarh, said that it plans to "finish" Islam and Christianity by 2021. "We have so far ensured ‘ghar wapsi' (reconversion) of three lakh Muslims and Christians back to Hinduism. By 2021, we will finish Islam and Christianity," Manch head Rajeshwar Singh Singh. "We have not done any conversion. We have ensured ‘ghar wapsi'. Why they (political parties) did not utter a word when Hindus are converted? What's their objection when we ensure that they come back to the religion?" he asked. His organisation had planned a mass conversion programme in Aligarh on the Christmas day but later called it off. On Agra conversion, he said that those converted were Indians and not Bangladeshis and they had affidavits of those who participated in the programme. [Source: Indian Express]
The Western world is continuously complaining about the intolerance of Muslims towards people of other faiths, but remains silent about the bigotry towards Islam and Muslims in other parts of the world. This hypocrisy only underscores the double standards of the West in how they portray Islam and deal with Muslims.


News and Comment Turkey's Exploitative Capitalists View Workers as Slaves

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The Minimum Wage Determination Commission held the fourth meeting with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in order to set the minimum wages for the year 2015. After the meeting, where the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey represented the employees and the Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations represented the employers, Minister Faruk Çelik, declared that the Minimum Wage Determination Commission had completed its work and announced the new minimum wages. Minister Çelik declared that the new minimum wage is set to increase to 1,202 Turkish lira for the first six months of 2015, and to 1,274 Turkish liras for the second half of the year. Minister Çelik explained that the net minimum wages will amount to 949 Turkish lira ($410) for the first six months of 2015, and to 1,000 liras ($432) for the second half of the year. (Source: cnnturk)


The Republic of Turkey is a state that conducts economic activity under the economic plans of colonialist sates which implement capitalist economic policies. Therefore it has embraced capitalism's economic goal of production and increasing productivity. It is said that increasing production would increase national income, and therefore increase per capita income. As a matter of course, according to capitalist economic policy it is necessary to increase production and services in order to increase national income. Because according to capitalist economic policy, human needs are unlimited. Resources however are scarce. Therefore capitalism seeks to increase productivity in order to meet the unlimited needs of human with the limited/scarce resources. It aims at increasing national income through increasing incomes from production and services over making people working longer and more. Thus, there is the need for workers who serve as low paid slaves for capitalism.
In fact, national income does not ensure fair distribution according to the peoples' needs. Regardless of by whom the wealth is owned, development is generally measured upon the amounts of national income. According to capitalists, if one tenth of the population has wealth, while nine of ten are deprived of food, clothing and shelter, total wealth is divided by the total number of population and will determine the national income per capita. This is a very big lie. This is a tremendous policy of exploitation. In fact, the capitalist economic policy makes us to think that way. States who implement capitalist economy system have founded employer's and employees' unions in order to make the society to accept these lies. These unions pretend to be founded in order to protect the rights of the employees and employers.

And here, the statements of the Minister of Labour of the Turkish Republic, as well as the statements of the representatives of the employers' and employees' unions within the Minimum Wage Determination Commission, and expose this policy of exploitation. The representative of the Confederation of Turkish Labor Unions (Turk-Is), Nazmi Irgat, says that the minimum wages declared by the government do not correspond to their expectations of minimum wages and that they regard it as insufficient. The representative of the Turkish Confederation of Employers' Unions (TİSK), Metin Demir, expressed his dissatisfaction of the determined minimum wages, stating that "the minimum wage with 6+6=12 has reached a level which we could not even imagine. At the existing employment rate we should also consider that even those who have jobs at the moment might loose their jobs."

This shows, that the government side, as well as the employee unions sides and the employer side are all together only pawns of the capitalist economic policy. They only gild the pill by publishing growth rates and inflation rates which consist only of numbers. The only economic system that will ensure and provide the rights of every individual without distinguishing between them in employed and unemployed is the economic system of Islam. Because Islam does not possess the deluding exploitative idea that income will increase through increased production. Islam has a political system which aims at the distribution of wealth. Therefore Islam looks at every single individual without making a distinction of Muslim or Non-Muslim. And Islam owns a very basic policy that will ensure the very basic needs like food, shelter, health and clothing for every human. The amount of minimum wage that Turkey has determined for the maintenance of a 4-5 person household today is just enough to effort for the rent of necessary shelter. Who is able to protect mankind from the exploitation of capitalism? Of course only the Khilafah "Caliphate" upon the method of the Prophethood, which is the method of ruling in Islam...


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Mahmut KAR

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